Friday, January 28, 2011

My body made it home, but my brain missed a connecting flight

I pride myself on being able to juggle a lot of balls.

It's partly that I enjoy balls, and partly that I have a pretty good knack for multi-tasking.

Well, 99% of the time I do. Then there's the 1% of the time I come home from a whirlwind, week-long trip meeting four writer pals in three states on the other side of the country, crash into bed after midnight, and wake up with the niggling fear I've forgotten something big.

In this case, something big was a blog post I agreed to do for the Mid-Willamette Valley RWA group I belong to. It's possible I'm reaching my saturation point with blogging, and I probably need to get better about setting limits for myself. Even so, I got it up (snicker) and I would be ever so grateful if you'd stop by and say hello. I posted a few pics from my trip and talked about critique partner relationships.

I'm also over at The Debutante Ball, where our topic this week is "in the kitchen." I shared some amusing anecdotes about cooking and critiquing. Well, they were amusing to me. I'm sleep deprived at the moment, so I may not be the best judge.

Come back next week and I promise the jet lag will have worn off and I'll be back to my normal routine.

Well, normal is subjective. But I'll be here anyway.


  1. Sounds like you had a fun trip; I doubt there are many dull moments in Harley's company, from what I can gather.

    I thought maybe I had more to say, but sadly no. I can't even credit jet-lag. sigh.

  2. Okay, on my way. Welcome back, or home, BTW ...

  3. Trying to come up with an encouragement... But... Words? Where? Must sleep.................

  4. Welcome home! Just left a comment on the other blog. Great suggestions -- I love my crit group!

  5. I know I haven't commented in a while, but I just wanted to de-lurk for a moment and let you know that I'm still around, and you're still hilarious!
