Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting lucky, doggie style

I'm still playing catch-up from my vacation, and I've been spreading myself around in ways that aren't nearly as filthy as that just sounded.

On Monday, I was thrilled to be part of the Coffee With a Canine blog. Actually, I think I was more of an afterthought. My dog, Bindi, was the real star, so I encourage you to stop by and check out her beautiful doggie smile.

I'm also over at The Debutante Ball today where we've been talking about luck all week. In my post, I talk about the phrase "getting lucky," and invite readers to share their own favorite euphemism for carnal relations.

We try to keep things PG-13 on that blog, but since we have no such restrictions here, I'm curious what you guys can offer up. Do you have a favorite expression for doing the deed? I'll confess, mine is "bumping uglies." I know I used it in at least two of my three contracted novels, and it never fails to make me giggle.

Please share yours! Writing the sort of stories I write, I can never have enough snicker-worthy euphemisms for building the beast with two backs.


  1. I already played on debutante ball. My favorite is the f word. Did you know you can actually ask for synonyms for the word fuck? I tried it and it worked. In doing so I realized some of the funniest words for sex are perfectly legit words like fornicate. I love that word. Or how about copulate? Another good one.

  2. LOL I love your "bumping uglies". I can see why it makes you giggle.

    My personal favorite is "getting squelchy", hehe.

  3. "Putting away the groceries." Sounds goofy, but a friend of ours occasionally asked the next-door neighbor to watch their little one for 20 min (a quickie!) so they could "put away the groceries." Didn't know it at the time, though!

  4. I've always liked knocking boots, both the phrase and the activity.

  5. I have no idea why I thought of this it was so many years ago, but a friend was crashing at a mutual friend's sister's place and he called it "paying the bills'

  6. The last word in euphamisms of this sort has to go to Burgess Meredith in the Grumpy Old Men outtakes. It's just awesome (and available on youtube). My favorite: taking a ride on the wild baloney pony.

  7. I have always liked knocking boots thanks to Lethal Weapon 3 where they actually knocked boots.

    However, I actually use the term "nap". I learned it from my adopted parents. They took naps every day while I babysat their daughter. It was only after I became an adult that I realized what they were actually doing so now I use the phrase myself.

  8. Play charades.
    We joked about that a long time ago, and it's just fun to say... "Let's go play charades."

  9. "Doing the Nasty" or "Playing with Mr. Happy" can be fun, although "boinking", thanks to Bruce Willis in the Moonlighting days, is high up on the list.

  10. "Bumping uglies" has been one of my favorite expressions since Tango and Cash failed at the box office.

    "Shagging" has always seemed like a friendly word - and occasionally my husband's sandlot baseball team will shag balls in the park near our house, which makes those long practices more of a spectator sport.

    But my personal favorite has to be, "The kids are asleep!"

  11. These are great. Have never actually heard the term "getting squelchy." Love that!

    My favorites are "horizontal bop" and "getting to know each other biblically."

    Of course, at my house it is usually like the other poster said, "The kids are asleep."

  12. The dear hubby and I have a few...

    "Climax Mt. Hood"

    "Climb aboard the S.S. Wanger"

    "Have some trouser trout with a light cream sauce"

    "Paddle the Pink Canoe"

    Ok, I'll stop :)

    Christi Corbett

  13. In college, my best friend and I used to refer to it as "going jogging". *frown* I have no idea why. But at least it let us speak about it without everyone around us knowing what we were talking about. Of course, we so didn't look like joggers, so maybe people DID know?

  14. Doing the horizontal mamba is an oldie but goodie, and ditto dueling bedsprings. We used to say taking a nap, but for a while it was "going horseback riding". You see, our son was supposed to be sleeping, so we (ahem) took advantage of the situation. While we were (ahem) doing the horizontal mamba, said son burst into the room and jumped on my husband's back, and squealed, "Horsie back ride!"

  15. "Schmeckel" and "hide the schmeckel"... XD

  16. Since we now live in an empty nest one of us will just walk up to the other one and say, "come on, let's go have The Sex now." Not too creative but, it totally works.

  17. "Getting sweaty". But I also used "Doing the nasty" in one of my books, so I guess I have to include that one, too.

  18. h'mmm... "playing 'hide-the-sausage'" has always been a favourite. as has "a good firtle"

    and i just looooove "bumping uglies"! :D

  19. We're fond of 'napping', though we also like 'schmexy times', 'gettin frisky', 'naked cuddles', 'long-snake sightings', 'Discovery Channel mammal time', and I really need to stop now... I'm pretty sure that we use lots of other terms, but now I've got that stupid song stuck in my head. You and me baby...

    Never mind.

  20. Maybe I watched too much Family Matters as a kid, but Urkel's Horizontal Polka has been a favorite of mine for almost as long as I can remember. I'm also a fan of boinking, as others have mentioned. My word of choice, admittedly not that creative, is screwing, but that's not very funny or all that euphemistic. There's always gettin' jiggy with it, or getting it on.

    Have you ever watched Whose Line is it Anyway? They play a game called, if you know what I mean, in which they come up with euphemisms on the spot. Sometimes the best lines can come from playing that game with someone. My roommate and I often play it when we're bored. You pick a location (usually mundane) and come up with as many as you can. My favorite, not surprisingly, came from the hardware store (dirty, dirty hardware store): I'd like to shake his paint can, if you know what I mean.
