Friday, March 25, 2011

Pick my title, win the book. Pretty cool, huh?

Every book I’ve ever written has a secret title.

In my mind, the three romantic comedies in my contract will always be Piratebitch, Psychicbitch, and Winebitch.

Fortunately, my mind isn’t making the important decisions around here.

There’s a lot of high-level strategy behind book titles that I don’t pretend to grasp. Lucky for me, the folks at Sourcebooks are keeping an eye on the market and taking steps to make certain we have the best title possible for my debut novel.

To ensure we have the title that’s most compelling to the most readers, Sourcebooks wants your input.

See that spiffy poll below? Which of the two titles would make YOU pick up the book and squeal with joy as you run for the cash register? (You can also squeal as you download it to your e-reader. Squealing is an integral part of any book buying experience).

In case you’re new here, this is what the book is about:
When his sleazy boss kicks him to the curb and steals his pension, Alex heads to the Caribbean with a crew of corporate castoffs to intercept an illegal diamond shipment in the most dysfunctional pirate mission in history. Things heat up when Juli – who’s supposed to be dumping her dead uncle’s ashes at sea – mistakenly stows away on their boat.

After you vote, leave a comment about why you chose the title you did. We’ll draw a name from the comments on March 31 and one lucky reader will get a signed Advance Reading Copy of the book.

Pretty cool, huh? Now here are your two choices:

Don’t forget to leave a comment about why you voted the way you did. That’s your entry to win an Advance Reading Copy of the book.

Now go forth and make history!


  1. I like Making Waves because they are making waves in each others lives and also, knowing you, making whoopie; which sounds a little like making waves.

  2. I picked Rocking the Boat, because when I saw the title I thought of that song from the 80's, Rock the boat, don't rock the boat, baby, rock the boat, don't tip the boat over...

    And truthfully, I don't like either title. I like Pirate Bitch better. And I also know if it was named that, my sister-in-law would buy 10 copies. She loves pirates.

  3. I chose Making Waves because Rocking the Boat makes me think of the nursery rhyme, Rub a Dub Dub, Three Men in a Tub. I'm not sure, but I don't think you want us picturing a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker when deciding whether or not to purchase your book (or how loud to squeal while purchasing, depending).

  4. I also like Pirate Bitch! However, between the two choices, I prefer Rocking the Boat -- because it suggests more action to me than Making Waves.

    Making Waves = Alex sends a compromising picture of his boss by email to everyone in the company.

    Rocking the Boat = Alex takes to piracy to get back at his boss.

    See the difference?

  5. I chose *Making Waves* because, as Anne and Elizabeth mentioned, *Rocking the Boat* made me think of musical things, and it was more a weird, unromantic tune. So exciting that we're getting to the nitty gritty and picking titles. Can't wait to see a peek of the cover!

  6. I like Rock the Boat because, like Anne, it also reminds me of the song. Also, I couldn't help but think of the phrase, "If the boat's rockin', don't bother knockin" because I think there's some sex in this book, am I right?


  7. My choice is "Rocking the Boat" because, to me, "Making Waves" sounds unfinished and it's not a title.

    It must be very exciting to be at this point - good luck with your choice of title and I look forward to seeing the book on the shelves!

  8. I like MAKING WAVES just because, well, that's what happens when you're knockin' boots on a boat. You make waves. And, since this is a romance, I do hope there'll be some boot-knockin', wave-makin' action! Plus, it's cute.

    So exciting that your first release is coming up - and has ARC's!! Can't wait to read it.

  9. I voted over at Debs, so toss this out, please, if I'm only allowed one.

    I like Making Waves, because it fits the way the characters are taking on a corporation and also for the way two of them (presumably) want to . . .rock the boat.

  10. I'm not overly keen on either but I went with Making Waves. Rocking the Boat seems a little on the nose for a romance novel.

  11. Coming out of Lurkdom to vote for Rocking the Boat. Did you know there's a movie called Making Waves (2004) - romantic comedy? Certainly not popular, but when you Google your title, you want to make sure it stands out from the crowd :)

    Like Anne - I'm not really fond of either title. It would be good to have something with Pirates in the title - or a pirate saying: Walk the Plank or Booty, Buccaneers and Castaways. Obviously, I will never get a job as Executive Title Maker in real life!

  12. I prefer Rocking The Boat, sounds a bit more actiony and fun. Making Waves could be anything. Although I agree I'd be more likely to buy something with pirate in the title :) Most importantly, please tell me that flag and bra will be on the cover, love it!

  13. I like Making Waves, it's got the same meaning as Rocking the Boat would, but I think it rolls off the tongue (or through the brain) more easily.

  14. I like the both, because they refer to the "motion in the ocean" in a round about way. Maybe you could call it that:)

    Seriously, I voted for Making Waves because it seems to support both plots, the romance and the ill advised pirating mission.

  15. I chose Rocking the Boat, it has a more fun feel. Too bad you can't use Piratebitch, I'd squeal for that one, hehe.

  16. Rocking the Boat could be interpreted as either a story involving some sailor turned wannabe rock star, or an erotica novel that takes place at sea. (If the boat's rockin', don't come knockin'.) Knowing you, there will prob be some nookie below deck but I still think Making Waves is a more appropriate title based on your description.


  17. I wanna start a write-in campaign for Pirate Bitch. ;)

  18. voted for Making Waves, but was hoping to find Pirate Bitch there, too! ;D

  19. From a pure marketing perspective, you really should consider the title - PATRICK AND HIS POOL, THE OCEAN.

    Also, I would pose for the cover.

  20. I loved Making WAves but I chose Rocking the Boat.

    As soon as I read that, my mind went straight to the bedroom - er, cabin, and shut the door.

  21. I love Making Waves...but I had to vote for Rocking the Boat because of the Aaliyah song *cough* It's sexy sounding. I like Piratebitch, too!

  22. I chose Rocking The Boat. It's got a more rebellious feel to me and has a subtle sexual overlay to it at the same time. But it was a tough decision; either title would be great!

  23. Actually, I like them both, but ROCKING THE BOAT just sounds more...I don't know...Tawna-esque (i.e. naughty) ;)

    sidenote: i do the same thing with my maunscripts...when I refer to them, it's not by title but 'cancergirl' or 'magicalgirl' or 'pyschic girl' or 'dead sister girl' *shrugs*

  24. I am a bit meh about both titles, but to me Rocking the Boat sounds like a lot more fun.

    Waves somehow has a gentle feel to it, while rock seems more action packed.

    In the end I don't think the title is all that important. I'm more of a cover art gawker.

  25. I like Rocking the Boat as well--it does sound more action-packed, as the above commenter said, and it reminds me of the song "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat" from Guys and Dolls.

    And everyone knows what a rocking vehicle means, whether it be on land or sea...

  26. I like Making Waves because Rocking the Boat sounds too predictable.

  27. I prefere Making Waves. It seems more positive than Rocking the Boat, which infers trouble, but without the fun. Does that make sense? Probably not, but I'm going with it anyway.

  28. I chose Making Waves. There's a possibility that since I'm already familiar with that title, I'm more drawn to it. But "Rocking the Boat" doesn't feel as succinct or smooth to me. While I get the "Don't come a knocking" if this boat's a rocking" aspect, it also makes me think of things like The Hand that Rocks the Cradle. Random, but true.

    Finally, Making Waves would just look better on a book, I think.

  29. I like the sound of Making Waves better. It flows better. I'd buy that. Rocking the Boat makes me think of kids in canoes--because we used to rock our boats until we tipped them. Fun, but not exactly a sexy image.

  30. I chose making waves, but honestly, neither option would make me squeal. I don't think either title says enough about the book. Pirate Bitch ROCKS, though.....

  31. I picked Rocking the Boat - I think it sounds "friskier" - like, if the boat's a-rockin' don't bother knockin' ;)

  32. If this boat's a-rockin...

    I picked Rocking the Boat, and find it truly hilarious that the titles are receiving the same number of votes! Good luck picking which one to use ;-)

    Sounds like a fun read.

  33. I'm pretty attached to Making Waves, and it just sounds more original and adult. Rocking the Boat seems a little young-sounding, and it reminds me of that song. I want a book's title to remind me of the book, not something else.

  34. Thanks for all the votes, guys! Keep 'em coming!

    I'll hold off on responding to comments too much since I don't want to say anything that might skew the voting one way or the other. Just know I appreciate all the great input!


  35. I chose Making Waves because Rocking the Boat makes me think of conflict, whereas Making Waves seems more ... fluid? That's not the word I'm looking for, but I guess it implies that there's a reason to make waves/cause conflict than merely for argument's sake.

  36. I don't like either one. I do like Piratebitch, because every guy has a fantasy about getting with a piratebitch - just going out there robbing and pillaging with your piratebitch and later having pirate sex with her.

    I hope I didn't over share.

    I think if you try to force some nautical sounding title you end up with "Swabbing the poop deck" or "Under the mainsheet"

  37. I picked Rocking the Boat. It has more tension (can a title have tension?) than Making Waves.

  38. I voted for Rocking the Boat because of the innuendo and because it hints at the emotional catalyst for both primary characters to take initial action. HOWEVER, I'm going to think up a superb title...just as soon as I drink some more coffee. ;)

  39. I think rocking the boat immediately conjers up the sex and I think there is more to the book than that so I went with Making Waves.

  40. I tried to vote for Making Waves, but was told I'd already vote. Huh? Anyhoo...

    I like Making Waves for its easy roll off the tongue, and for its easy allusion to 'Making Whoopee'. *g*

    Rocking the Boat requires more consonant tongue action, not that tongue action is a bad thing. Just not in a bookstore.


  41. Well if they won't take Piratebitch, which I think is a BIG mistake, I like Making Waves cause I like the sound of it when I say it aloud. OH, wait you mean you haven't read Making Waves by the fantastic Tawna Fenske? What were you living under a rock or something?

  42. The summary sounds awesome and knowing it's a romantic comedy I just had to choose Rocking the Boat. It's so much more fun and I have to admit, it elicits a perverted grin from my face :D

  43. I agree with Anne - Rock the Boat made me think of the song and it would drive me nuts to have that in my head all the time while I was trying to read your book.

  44. I picked Rocking the Boat. For one, as soon as I saw that title, it made me smile and giggle a little. For two, Making Waves sounds a bit dull for a romantic comedy. Plus, I checked on Amazon. There are way less "Rocking the Boat" books (around 160 some) than "Making Waves" books (around 1200 some). It's important to have your book stand out. :)

  45. I picked Rocking the Boat. It made me think of wild, raunchy, um, yeah, you know. :)

  46. I picked "Making Waves" because I'm mad at "Rocking the Boat" for putting Don Henley's version of the "Guys and Dolls" song in my head this morning.

  47. I would have picked Rocking the Boat, but the poll told me I'd already voted and wouldn't let me enter!

    Rocking the Boat has a much stronger verb than Making Waves -- the latter is rather passive. The first title sounds more adventurous. And of course, the sexual conotation doesn't hurt!

  48. I like Rocking the Boat for one because it calls to mind a song by the late great Aaliyah. Second, Making Waves makes me think of the movie Breaking the Waves. Not that that is a bad thing, but it's another story, which could confuse people. Rocking the Boat also has the double entendre of "if the boat's a rocking...." And Juli is rocking the boat because she's messing up Alex's plan. Alex is rocking the boat because he's leaving the corporate world for a life of crime. In short, it's the perfect title. :)

  49. Rock the Boat sounds like it would have more conflict than making waves. I like a lot of conflict.

  50. I've gotten used to Making Waves, but searching for that title to preorder online shows lots of other books with the same title. The same is probably true of Rocking the Boat (and I'm too lazy to search at the moment), but I'm voting for Rocking the Boat because it sounds just a little bit naughtier - "if this boat's a rocking, don't come a knocking".

  51. I voted for Making Waves because it sounds smoother, more polished, and more sexy. Rocking the Boat sounds coarser. Also, there are so many musical associations with "rocking the boat" that it's distracting in my head.

    The only association with Making Waves is Tawna's book.

    (This is midnightblooms. For some reason OpenID isn't cooperating with LJ...)

  52. Making Waves and a dysfunctional pirate mission sounds like it goes together much better than rocking the boat. Rocking the Boat reminds me too much of "when this rigs a rockin' don't bother knockin'"

  53. Making waves is less cliche in my mind than rocking the boat. I don't know if I'd grab a book with boat in the title unless it was a Captain Hornblower book or a non-fiction.

  54. I liked Making Waves. To my mind it has better pun potential. I couldn't vote, however, because it said I'd already vote in this poll.

  55. Hey, those of you getting the message that you already there any chance someone else happened to vote using your computer? A long shot, I know, but I can't figure out why else you'd get that message. Let me do some sleuthing. Sorry for the inconvenience!


  56. Love you, love the premise of the book, can't wait to read it...uhh...kinda hate both titles.

    Hear me out--I love romance novels, even the super-generic ones (by which I mean, the ones that follow the genre to the letter). But I REALLY love witty, contemporary romance that pays homage to "classic" romance while also giving the genre a kick in the seat with, say, a premise that involves modern pirating. In other words, sex AND laughter.

    Nothing in either title suggests the sense of playfulness that awaits the reader.

    I haven't read this book, obviously, but I read the opening chapter of the one about the undertaker, and it was amazing romance but also amazing comedy.

    These titles are classic romance, but say nothing for the comedy. And it's the comedy that makes you especially special.

  57. I voted for Making Waves. I'm not real sure why, I just like how it rolls off the tongue better. And maybe Rock the Boat reminds me of that disco song I can't stand. And Waves could possibly be a euphemism.

    It's funny - I know how important titles are, but I can't seem to title my own book. I'm 10k words into it and it's still "Untitled". How lame is that?

  58. "Making Waves" is smooth and sexy; "Rock the Boat" sounds angry and like you wouldn't be having much fun

  59. I'm a visual girl ~ my attention would be more grabbed by the cover art, so either title works for me. I pikced "Rock the Boat" because it sounded like better sex than "Making Waves".:P

  60. I voted for "Making Waves" first because it is a catchier title. Second because I'm pretty sure either you or your agent have referenced it in tweets before :)

  61. Rocking the Boat sounds more like the dysfunctional/humorous story line in your blurb.

  62. I like both titles but I chose Rocking the Boat because I think it sounds better for a romantic comedy; it brings to mind all sorts of plot twists that could come up in the story.

  63. I chose Making Waves because Rock the Boat reminds me of "When the van's a-rockin', don't come a knockin'" LOL

  64. I like Making Waves! It sounds sexy and dangerous without being as obvious as "rocking the boat".

  65. I chose "Making Waves" since it rolls off the tongue much easier that Rocking the Boat. Now, if the title were "Rock the Boat", then the choice would have been more difficult--don't ask me why a little "the" could be such an issue. Now, with that asside "Rock" could mean diamond is key because it give insight into the story if you've read it. So, now I could actually be second guessing my choice!

  66. Personally, it just so happens that "Making Waves" is not an idiom or euphemism that engages me often enough to use, so, as a title, it more or less passes through my radar mostly unnoticed. On the other hand, "Rocking the Boat" receives more use (in my realm) and has more personal meaning to me, so it tends to draw me in more.

    From a phonetical perspective, I think "Making Waves" places more emphasis on the romance while "Rocking the Boat" points more to the comedy. I'm probably not your target audience, but I am eager more so to experience your comedic stylings.

    I can't say I'm a huge fan of either title simply because they seem rather trite and cliché, but I'm also not in the publishing business. "Piratebitch" is the most intriguing to me of the three.

    Good luck!

  67. I tried to vote, but it said I already had...?

    Rocking the Boat is my choice, though I'd be more likely to pick up "Piratebitch". At least Rocking the Boat hints at a little more action and excitement. We're talking pirates here!

    Making Waves is too passive. In fact, on the subject of passivity, I'd prefer to see an action verb in the title. "Rock", not "Rocking".

    If your book is anything like your blog, neither of the prospective titles really do the book justice. Are you suuuure you can't use "Piratebitch"?

  68. I chose Rocking the Boat because it sounds like the story will have more of an impact and be more fun to read than Making Waves, which suggests a gentler and more passive story. My vote goes for the title with more energy!!

    Honestly though I will be looking for YOUR NAME on the cover so make sure that stands out! :)

  69. I debated and debated, but finally chose Making Waves. They both are fun and both bring different ideas to mind as I read each title. Making Waves hints at turmoil and romance. Rocking the Boat seems a bit more obvious. Maybe that's what people would prefer. I do have to say though that Rocking the Boat doesn't conjure any music in my mind. Dag nab, now I really don't know, but I'll stick with my knee jerk reaction of Making Waves. So there!

  70. I don't know that either of these titles does a very good job of representing your style of writing. You need something punny, something with a double entendre that makes people laugh out loud. Both of these titles are kinda ho hum ... but of the two, I vote for Making Waves.

  71. I vote for Making Waves because that's what you've referred to it for so long, it would be like renaming your child when he turned two. Just confusing. ;)

  72. Another vote for Pirate Bitch. I like the idea of women owning that word and making it positive.

    But I voted for Rocking the Boat because to me it sounded sexier, more rock and roll. But they're both not bad. So much of the tone is going to be set by cover art and both of those titles could sound funny in the right context.

  73. Voted for "Rocking the Boat" - agree with another comment that it's like "if the boat's a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'". Also agree with others that neither is particularly great--"PirateBitch" is better than either. Also agree with another that the cover art will make a big difference in which title I'd choose.

  74. I vote for "Rocking the Boat" because the other title has been done recently.

  75. I voted making waves because, actually, what clever cherry betty said. They are making waves in each other's life.

  76. Rocking The Boat because Making Waves doesn't say enough. RTB implies a little chaos, which it sounds like could be your MO :) As an author, and from the description of your story, you don't strike me as a casual making waves kind of gal, but rather a fists on the hips, rocking the boat, throttle on full, woman :D

  77. Rocking the Boat. At least that was my instant reaction when I read both titles.

    I can't even explain it. I guess in comparison, Making Waves just sounds kinda soft (and now I made myself laugh. I blame you for my newly hyperactive dirty mind...). And while it won't matter for your book because I'm going to buy it either way, I might generally be more inclined to check out Rocking the Boat than Making Waves. If you want a more detailed analysis though, you'll have to ask my gut to explain my gut feeling on this one!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I voted for Making Waves because Rocking the Boat sounds too much like Rocking the Cradle. But I noticed some people mistyped it "Rock the Boat" in the comments, and I like that much better than Rocking the Boat. Maybe even more than Making Waves. But they're both kind of meh, if you ask me. How about Pirate Booty?

  80. Rocking the boat took my mind in many different directions. You see, first my mind went SEX...either because I'm really immature, or sexually frustrated. KIDDING. Ahem.

    Then I began to think more about it, and thought...Cruise? A cruise is romantic?

    Then my mind ran in another direction and thought ANARCHY. Like damn the man. Which, doesn't make much sense.

    And then my mind went back to sex. And everyone loves sex. That was the full circle of my mind.

    Basically, I pick up a book because I feel like it's something new. Something I haven't read before. And my mind automatically felt like "Rocking the Boat" would lead me to that imaginative thrill.

    THE END.

    Ahem. I should lock my mind up before it gets me in trouble.

  81. I chose Rock the Boat because it implies an element of danger (falling off, being resented.)

  82. Rocking the boat=more sex

  83. I chose "Making Waves" because it is a metaphor for everything in the story--going after the bad guys, having a life changing event, creating havoc, and of course the whole sex part. Also, for me the other title reminds me too much of the song by Hue's Corporation in the 1970's.

  84. I chose making waves because it is a romantic comedy. It reminds me of sex on the beach. And everyone knows that when you roll around on the beach, you're going to end up with sand everywhere. And that's funny.

    Besides - Rocking the Boat reminds me of that annoying 'Don't rock the boat' song. You don't want a title that reminds you of something annoying - because as soon as you read the title, the song will get stuck in your head. And then you'll have angry readers emailing you about the annoying earworm that your book stuck them with. :)

    Damn. Now that song is stuck in my head. Thanks a lot. What's your email?? (Kidding! Well, kidding about the email part. It is really stuck in my head. :/ )

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Oops, sorry, posted too quick.
    I voted for Making Waves, cause Rocking the Boat made me think of Rock a Bye Baby. Not sure that's what you're going for. On a side note, both times I've typed this comment, I typed Rock a Bye Babe. Cool title, must keep that tucked away for future reference. :)

    If I could I'd vote for Piratebitch. That's ma fave.

  87. I went with Rocking the Boat because it sounds like while the "pirates" are all about getting even, Juli is going to be rocking Alex's boat on a personal level.
    I hope the cover art includes at least one pirate flag.

    Laurel N

  88. Rocking the Boat sounds sexier.

  89. Making Waves is too bland and even sounds common. Rocking the Boat fits the story in several ways, the corp. exiles, diamonds, and add a woman? Well, it just fits.

  90. I chose Rock the Boat because it just sounds sexier. Making Waves sounds a little old lady-ish or Harlequin-y. Not bashing on either of those because I am rather fond of old ladies and, at times, a Harlequin.

    Congrats on your book. What an amazing time it must be for you!

  91. I voted for Making Waves because it sounds sharper, cleaner to me (if that makes sense?). Rocking the Boat didn't fit with my image of the book, both from your pitch and from your style on the blog.

  92. Are you kidding? It's GOT to be Making Waves. It's been called that on the blog for ages! If I saw Making Waves in a book tomorrow, I'd go "OMG! Tawna Fenske's book!" If I saw Rocking the Boat, I might just walk on by.

  93. It's been MAKING WAVES for so long in my mind, that is what it to be. While ROCKING THE BOAT is funny and makes me think of sex, it makes me think of sex more than MAKING WAVES, which implies, above all else, CHANGE. Alex and the other characters are making a change.

    I know there will be sex because it is a romance novel. Rocking the Boat sounds a little too cheesy-go-romance to me.

    Thanks, Sourcebooks and Tawna!

  94. I liked Piratebitch best too, but... if forced to choose, I'll go with Making Waves. Rocking the Boat reminded me of that cheesy 80s song, and that just didn't feel very romantic. :)

  95. I like Making Waves because I don't like Rocking The Boat.

  96. I wanted to vote for Making Waves but it wouldn't let me. No, not a person nor dog has already been on this hideous old computer, so that couldn't be the problem.
    Sorry, I did try to play along, but your poll hates me.
    (Remember when the blog used to hate me? Whew, glad THAT got all cleared up.)

  97. Like a few of my fellow commenters (is that a word?), I'm a bit 'meh' about both titles. Still going to run screaming to the cash register, though, no worries!

    I picked 'Rocking the Boat' because it sounds more like a rockin' adventure then 'Making Waves'.

    But, my vote would definitely go for something with Pirate in the title. Oh, yeah, Pirate Bitch would get a second look on the shelf! LOL!

  98. I voted Rocking the boat because I love that phrase. But Pirate Bitch is something I would actually pick up and read. :) Best of luck!

  99. I chose Making Waves, because that's what I'm familiar with from your posts, and to change it on me now and make me remember a new title might be criminal. As in, jail time.

    Piratebitch or even Piratebooty (like that fabulous snack) would also be appreciated, and both make me hungry.

  100. honestly? Rocking The Boat is a phrase that's always got right up my nose - it just sounds like the worst kind of trite management-speak to me (er... are my prejudices showing...?) also, it's a space thing. a boat is an enclosed space, with finite possibilities and boundaries. if you're making waves, however, they can travel for miles - to the horizon and beyond, if you're doin' it right... ;)
    so...y'know... i chose Making Waves...

  101. I voted for Making Waves because it sounds dirtier (you know, in the romance novel sort-of-way). Rocking the Boat sounds more like you're about to be seasick, and less like you're about to get it on. But, hey, whatever they choose, my darling, I will support you and purchase it. xoxo

  102. I liked making waves because it has some underlying connotations. Rock the boat just didn't resonate at all, I kept thinking of a song where that phrase is used, can't remember the title.

  103. BTW, I forgot to mention this the first time I commented, but I would totally buy a book called "Pirate Bitch" just for the title. And I would tell everyone I knew to do so as well. Even if I didn't know you.

    Rest assured, I will do the same no matter what it's called, but Pirate Bitch would look spectacular on a book cover.

  104. I like "Making Waves" better because it expresses conflict a little more than Rocking the Boat does.

    Note: Neither really grabs my attention and makes me want to read the book.

  105. Personally I like piratebitch the most.

    If the title was Don't rock the boat that would be better than Rocking the boat. Sounds like a lullaby this way.

  106. I went with Making Waves. It may be because that's how it was referred to along the way (I think, otherwise I just had a really weird dream), but Rocking the Boat just doesn't fit it for me. I think someone else who said it was too on the nose may be on to something.

  107. I chose "Making Waves"--it seems to tie better with the story and just sounds better overall. "Rocking the Boat" sounds more kiddy-ish to me D:

  108. Rocking the Boat is OK, but it's already in my head as Making Waves. I've already blogged about it as a 2011 release I'm looking forward to under that title.

    And, this might be splitting hairs, but Rocking the Boat implies that you're still in the boat, which the hero is not. Making Waves suggests to me going your own way and making an impact, which sounds more like what's going on in the blurb.

  109. Wow. Some people are really opinionated about this. Which is a good thing, I suppose, when you are asking for opinions. Lol.

    I voted for Rocking the Boat, and Patty Blount explained my reasoning perfectly.

    However, I don't hate Making Waves, and I wanna read it either way.

    Larissa :)

  110. Making Waves...Definitely. We've been waiting on it forEVAAAAH. We insiders already know what to look for on the shelf! Don't rock the boat!

  111. I love the title "Making Waves!" Rocking the boat reminds me of the saying 'if the house is a'rockin don't come a knockin' and it creeps me out. :(

  112. I picked Making Waves because it induces a little more curiosity in me than Rock the Boat. Making Waves is a cute title, I like it. :)

  113. I picked Making Waves for three reasons:
    a) Rocking the Boat has negative connotations (at least to me)
    b) Rocking the Boat also makes me think of rocking a baby - not what you're looking for here!
    c) I looked at your agent's website and she has it listed, currently at least, as Making Waves (yes, I cheated. I suck)

    I'd rather read something called 'The Accidental Pirate' (Juli is that, right?) or 'Dysfunctional Pirate' or some such. Definitely pirate in the title somewhere. I suppose 'Yo Ho Ho and a Jar of Cremains' is too icky?


  114. I like Janet's suggestion 'Booty, Buccaneers and Castaways', sounds as raunchy as your blog and makes me want to hide under the covers with a torch and giggle naughtily (is that a word??) but I voted 'Making Waves' cause I had to choose one and 'Making Waves' sounds more forceful than rocking the boat.

  115. If it were up to me, it would be, "Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. ARGH!" but as I'm but a mere commenter on my kitchen lap top and not a publishing exec, I'm going to vote for Making Waves!

    I like the double entendre of Making Waves and Rocking the Boat reminds me of slugging beer at this one Irish bar in the 90's to the song Rock the Boat--good times, but not at all germaine to the topic at hand!

    Good luck! Can't wait to read it!

  116. I like Making Waves because it's a fun title, but it also represents a person who will pose a challenge and move the narrative forward.

  117. I like Rock the Boat. You know, if the boat is a rocking ... oh, wait, is that house is a rocking? Anyway, it's probably a good thing if that 80s song gets stuck in readers' head--they won't forget the title. Either way, both titles are great! :D

  118. I chose Rocking the Boat because it sounds more fun than Making Waves. I would be more likely to pick up a book called Rocking the Boat.

  119. Anything with waves in the title is going to attract my attention first...definitely an ocean influenced life for me.

  120. When the boat's arockin', don't come aknockin', right? I definitely think I prefer Rocking the Boat, even if I have been thinking about it as Making Waves for a long time.

  121. I vote Making Waves, because Rocking the Boat makes me think of the song from Guys and Dolls which is the wrong tone for an unpirate story.

    - Liz

  122. I went with Making Waves for a lot of reasons.
    1) Rock the Boat makes me think of that Janet Evanovich romance "Love Overboard" which isn't a bad comparison from me but I like something different.
    2) I already have "Making Waves" on my wish list & have a high chance of forgetting it if you change the name.
    3) Making Waves sounds more fun than Rocking the Boat. Everyone says not to do that but a large portion of people enjoy waves. Why else vacation at the ocean?
    4) I already told my gran she should buy Making Waves because Tawna cracks me up & I have a feeling book will too. It'd be a long conversation trying to explain the name change.

  123. "Rocking the Boat". It hints at angry hot make-up sex. They're pissed at each other but OMG also they are REBELS! They rock the boat of society, man.

    "Making Waves" is such a mild expression. It suggests that they, I don't even know, sneezed in a church or something. And then someone's grandma wearing a beret in aquamarine with a facenet was like, "Those two pirates! Always making waves."

  124. I liked Rocking the Boat. It's move romantic to me. Making Waves sounds more like a children's book to me. :) Love pirate books! :D

  125. I went with Making Waves because that's what it's been referred to for so long now. To me, Making Waves just seems to be more playful.

    I seem to be another one of your followers that also gets annoying songs stuck in my head when I read the Rocking the Boat title.

    I agree that Piratebitch is totally a title that I would pick up!

  126. I voted for Rocking The Boat, because I felt I should vote for one of them, but I actually like both those titles a lot.

  127. Choose Making Waves also b/c that's what I've come to associate the book as... and it seems to fit the premise better... :)

  128. Rocking the Boat sounds more fun than Making Waves. It suggests more action happening in my mind and it's about Pirates right? And Pirates sail boats!

    I'm 100% for Piratebitch though. I think you would definitely sell way more with that title than either of these honestly. Piratebitch!

  129. I just tried to vote, but I'm not sure it accepted it… nothing happened. :(
    However... I like "Rocking the Boat" because diamonds are referred to as rocks, illegal or otherwise!!!

    The other won't be left out. I'm sure there's that sex thing you'll include in which your characters will ultimately be makin' waves. :)

  130. was out of town, hence the chiming in late...i can't see the poll on here, but judging from the comments, the two choices are ROCKING THE BOAT or MAKING WAVES.

    hmm, tough call. i'm going to go with linda and join the write in campaign for PIRATE BITCH. hey, if you can say bitch on TV, you can put it on a bookshelf.

    seriously though, i like MAKING WAVES and it's not only because it's been called that for a year and i don't like change...but because it's a more general title. sure, ROCKING THE BOAT makes us think of sex in a more direct way, but this is a romance novel, we already know that's going to be in there whereas MAKING WAVES is broader and sets the stage for bigger things to happen.

    or, you could go with door #4 and call it PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5: USE A CONDOM.

  131. I voted for Rocking the Boat because Making Waves just sounded familiar. Pirate Bitch is by far my favorite though. :)

  132. It seems I'm outnumbered, but I went for Rocking the Boat. Rocking the Boat feels more like the title of a romantic comedy than Making Waves.

  133. I chose Making Waves, but I think I like Pirate Bitch best too!

    It seems appropriate that making waves is what happens when you rock the boat.

  134. I like Rocking the Boat because Making Waves sounds too much like a book about a hair salon.

    Many people already know why I'd rather have the word Bitch in a title LOL!

  135. Making waves - because rocking the boat makes me think of that song... You know, "rock the boat, baby, rock the boat" or something like that... Unless that song fits?

  136. My two cents: stick with Making Waves. You've got something like 700 confirmed blog followers who already know it by that name, and a bunch more (like me) who can't figure out RSS feeds and so don't "follow" you officially, but who check your blog every day. With a mostly 50-50 split on the voting, why go and rock the boat? Oh, and what other have said about the song :)

  137. Making Waves has a positive connotation the other doesn't have...and also makes me think of waterbeds, which I think just makes you romance authors giggle.

    It just had a pore positive feel. My two cents.

    Kristen Lamb

    (Your biggest fan...just shy of stalker)

  138. It must be over, because I cannot see any titles. :(

  139. I'm going with "Making Waves." Short and to the point - and let's put some motion in that ocean!

  140. "Making Waves", without knowing the characters or content (as most new readers first seeing the book's cover) has a more positive spin than "Rocking the boat". Some people like that (like me) and then there are others who are intrigued at trouble... like giant salamanders knocking over the Interweb's servers. And by servers, I don't mean the folks fetching you a beer at the local watering hole.

    I'm gonna go make some waves. AAAND hopefully snag myself a copy of a certain book . :)

  141. I went with MAKING WAVES. The flow is better, in my opinion. But I'll run to the register with fistfulls of cash either way.

  142. I chose rocking the boat because it made me think of making a change and doing things different. I guess that's what making waves means too but I was drawn to the boat title. Either way I'll definitely be reading this book!

  143. Making Waves...

    I've gotten used to it here and I just like the sound of it better. ;)

    Thx for letting us play, too!

  144. Making Waves. Partly it makes me think of interesting ways you can make waves if you are in a boat on the water. :) And partly because it is more positive-sounding (to me) than Rocking the Boat.

  145. I voted for Making Waves.
    It just rolls off the tongue better AND that's what is stuck in my head now since that's been the title for a while.
    Pirate Bitch works, too. ;)
    Either way...I'll be reading it.

  146. I voted for Rocking the Boat because it sounds way more action driven, with a touch of romance. Making Waves is a very safe, neutral title. I mean,a pebble can make waves. With that said, I can't wait to read it either way!

  147. I like Rocking The Boat because it has a bit more whimsy in the title. It feels more like a comedy to me. Making Waves feels like a different genre. There is something about it that has a more melancholy feel. If someone makes waves, it seems more passive. When someone rocks the boat it sounds like it'll be a raucous good time!

  148. Rocking the boat, definitely. Because when I was a kid out on a lake in northern Ontario, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, there was always this rush of excitement and fear every time one of those boats rocked over and pitched me out. And a rush of fear and excitement, the 'what next' as you fall into something big and uncontrollable, is what life and love is about right?
