Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Get ME for free!

Thanks so much to author pal Jeffe Kennedy for the heads-up on this…

Over at the uber-fabulous Dear Author blog, they’ve posted a list of upcoming Sourcebooks titles for 2011.

I can’t decide which is cooler – the fact that I’m on the list (which means this whole “you have a book coming out in August” isn’t just a story my mom and agent invented to make me feel good about myself) or that Dear Author and Sourcebooks are giving away copies of a whole bunch of books on the list.

All you have to do is leave a comment saying which book you’re looking forward to the most. I won’t twist your arm or threaten to pee on you if you don’t name me.

OK, I might threaten those things, but I won’t really do them. Probably.

Seriously though, free books. How can you beat that? Go now. The contest ends at 8 p.m. CST on Friday, April 22 and winners will be announced on Saturday.

Hey, I wonder if I’m eligible to win?


  1. I went there and posted. I would love to win your book. It's going to be great but free would make it even greater!
    Yay Sourcebooks for publishing Making Waves and giving away free copies.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I went and posted but then realised I'm probably not eligible as I live in the UK. Never mind, I'm playing to buy your book anyway :)

  3. It's official! I'm excited for you. And how did I miss you have a cover on Amazon now?!

  4. Done!

    Good thing I decided to send my monthly tribute to Mr. Discover before pre-ordering Making Waves.

    With all your followers, odds are I won't win, but the possibility is good enough for me!

  5. I went and commented and thought remembered I pre-ordered it. Oh well... I can have my own giveaway if I win!

  6. yay for MAKING WAVES! and double yay for the cover on amazon! congrats!

  7. So it the title definitely set on MAKING WAVES? (That was my pick anyway.) Or is it still possible it will change?

    The thought of you wanting to win your own books reminds me of a dream I had about my collection's (still forthcoming) publication: I bought, like, all the copies and kept them at home so I could lovingly hold them, gaze at them, and stroke their covers. Not creepy at all!

  8. EXCITING. WANT. (those are pretty much the two sentiments that make up my life.)

  9. Wow, I ADORE the cover on Amazon.

  10. LOL, I wondered how many of you would click the Amazon link and see the cover :)

    I planned to do an official "unveiling" when I got permission to do so, but since it's already up on Amazon, I suppose the cat's out of the bag. I loooooooove the cover. Couldn't possibly adore it more.


  11. I'm not going to comment. Please don't pee on me but I'm already getting a copy so there's no point. I don't want to hog them all.

    Also, I've said it before but I'll say it again. The cover is gorgeous. It's everything that is great about the romance genre. And the tagline is my new favorite quote.
