Friday, April 1, 2011

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system

You know that sound your radio makes when they're testing the emergency broadcast system?

That's the sound in my brain right now as I stare at the blank screen trying to think of something clever to blog about.

I'm usually better about scheduling this stuff ahead of time, but the last three weeks have been screwy as I've worked extra hours at the day job to make up for the time I took off to go to Hawaii. My schedule will be back to normal next week. I make no promises about my own normalcy, but I'm getting there.

I can offer you a blog post though. Head on over to The Debutante Ball where we've been talking about favorite places to read. I may have gotten a little sidetracked by saucy descriptions of bathing with a Kindle named Giancarlo, but I am interested in the discussion. Do you have an eReader? If so, how has it changed your reading habits? If not, do you plan to get one?

Discuss here or over there, whichever rolls your socks up. And have a lovely, suds-filled weekend!


  1. My husband got me a Kindle for Christmas as a sneaky way to tone down on our physical book collection. I'd like to say he failed, but I'm addicted to Kindle! I love being able to read about a great book and order it immediately right on my Kindle! I love that if I finish a book while my kid is playing at the park, there's a new one right behind it.

    And I love that the space between my pinky and ring finger no longer aches after trying to hold a huge, heavy book open for hours.

    So I may be getting rid of many paper books around the house...but we've had to set up a separate slot in our budget for books, because I've been reading like I'm on fire! Take that, scheming husband!

  2. No e-reader. I download books to my laptop to read if that is the only way they are available. I'm still slightly old school and use my local library and bookstores to get most books. I thought I was geeky savvy but find myself resisting losing my paper books.

  3. I love my Kindle, but I've noticed that I'm not giving books much of a chance if they don't grab me right away. The lure of the next book causes me to abandon the one I'm reading, maybe too quickly, which is bothering me a bit. But I love it. I love not having to pack up the kids and drive to the bookstore. I also love reading a good review and knowing I can be reading the book in less than a minute.


  4. I got one for Christmas too and I love love it! I havent dared read it in the bath yet...

  5. My Sony Touch and I are still coming to terms with each other.

    But it's a great editing tool--I plug in something and make notes on the screen.

    And the drawing feature is a great electronic babysitter!

  6. I won a free Kindle by joining Daisy Harris' email list! And now my husband thinks it's his. Damn.

  7. I read so much more now that I have a Kindle. It's so convenient. I like to jump back and forth between books depending on my mood (and when my next book club meeting is), so it makes my life so much easier.

    I love my Kindle.

  8. I don't have one, but we decided we needed on and ended up ordering an iPad instead. Can't wait for the first vacation when I don't have to pack any books!

    I have a strong feeling we'll end up with two of these types of things though. Maybe the second will be a Kindle. We don't share.

  9. No e-reader, yet. I'm on my way ...

  10. If my ipod counts as an ereader yes, I have one. I actually prefer a real book or reading on my computer though. The nook and kindle just don't click with me.

  11. I've considered buying one. I just can't decide which. And also the technology changes so fast. If I buy one it might be the one that turns out to be the beta product instead of the vhs.
    I do download to my laptop sometimes, though. It's a pleasant way of reading.

  12. My nook is awesome! I don't read it in the bath—when else would I get the chance to read all these paperbacks that keep building up? ;)

    Seriously though, I barely read paper books any more except in the tub. I love my nook because it's just plain easier to read than paper, and it's lighter, and there's less glare. (Reading paper in full sun is just as bad as a laptop screen sometimes)

    I'm also not worried about technology changing or the files becoming obsolete. B&N keeps a record of my downloads in my virtual library. If I want to "archive" a title to make more space on my nook, I can download it again for free at any time. Same goes for if I get a new nook.

  13. In Cub Scouts, one of the other dens performed a skit involving the emergency broadcast system. Imagine six 8yo's screaming 'BEEEEEEEEP'

    My son said to my wife that it was a good thing they censored themselves.

    Apparently he believes if it had been a real emergency there would be much cursing rather than a siren.

  14. I like my books made of paper. None of those new fangled contraptions for me, thank you very much. But then, I just sit on the couch to read.
    Oh, and they do that damn emergency thing during one of the very few shows I watch on TV, like once a week - bugs the ever livin' shit out of me.

  15. I don't have an e reader yet...I really like the touch of a book. I like curling up with a book at night and falling asleep with it. I can see how having one to travel with would be nice.

  16. A couple of months ago my younger brother mentioned he didn't really like his iPad and was considering selling it. Last week I called him and asked him how much he loved me. I then played the big sister "look at all the things I've done for you" guilt game and had us both in stitches. He then asked me "What do you want?" I knew I had him then - hook line and sinker. The iPad is in the post and on its way to me as we speak. So looking forward to all the books!! Now I am madly trying to come up with some way to pay him back. Maybe dedicate this post to him?
    Dear Nay, my awesome little bro, you rock. Love Tanna xxx
