Friday, June 3, 2011

CONTEST: Win an ARC of Making Waves

Thanks so much to everyone who offered suggestions yesterday on how to handle distribution of the small handful of Advance Reading Copies (ARCs) I received for Making Waves.

My mom is touched by how many of you are looking out for her and want to make sure she gets a copy. She'd like to adopt those of you who suggested she receive an ARC, and spank those of you who didn't.

As I mentioned, I got five ARCs. The copy that went to The Debutante Ball authors won't likely make its way back to me, and I probably shouldn't ask the blog contest winner to return hers after she wrote that nice review and everything.

It did dawn on me that the copy viciously stolen by generously gifted to a friend could be un-gifted. Who needs friends anyway?

Once I wrestled the book back from my pal's evil clutches, I reviewed all your wonderful ideas for holding a blog contest. Several of you suggested asking readers to submit photo-reenactments of the book's cover, an idea I find so brilliant I want to run out and try it right now.

But I will restrain myself (rare, I know) and leave the fun to you guys.

So here's the deal:
I want you to give me your best reenactment of the cover for Making Waves. That doesn't mean you and your sweetie have to go out and risk arrest at your local boat storage facility (though I'll totally come visit you in jail if that happens). Feel free to get creative with this. You can be literal with it or do your own special interpretation of the cover art. Whatever floats your boat.

Ha! Get it?


Send the photographs to me at tawnafenske at yahoo dot com no later than noon PST on Saturday, June 11. I'll announce a winner here on Monday, June 13.

Questions? Complaints? Throw 'em in the the comments section and I'll try to respond.

Now go out and make some waves.


  1. But spankings from moms really hurt!

  2. Yay! You're using my idea! Now, to find a boat and a sandy beach in SE Oklahoma. Hmm... does a muddy pond and a paddle boat count ;)

  3. I don't have a sweetheart. I do live by the second biggest lake in the states. So now I have a good excuse for stalking couples to try and steal an appropriate picture.
    If I get in trouble I'm going to call you for bail money!

  4. I don't know if my honey and I are going to rush out to take pics, but I can't wait to see the ones others send you! I hope you post the best of the best on your blog.

  5. I hope you post some of your better entries on your blog after you've chosen a winner. ;-)

  6. Sounds like a fun contest, Tawna! I may have to give it a try!

  7. I am so going to make this happen!!!!!

  8. Great idea for a contest! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

  9. Great idea. Please show lots of the pictures!

  10. Hi Tawna :)
    That's an awesome contest idea!
    I pre-ordered Making Waves so I'm not going to enter but I look forward to seeing the entries.
    All the best,

  11. Ooooh! I can't wait to see ALL the photo entries for this contest, because you have the most awesome followers ever! You are going to blog the photos, righ?! ;)

  12. Um, "righ" is how we say "right" here in England. Just kidding! Embarrassed having done a typo face :(

  13. I'd be happy to forward my copy to you so you can give it to someone else! All my friends don't read romance... I need new friends.

  14. Tawna, are we allowed more than one entry per person? Let's just say I have a lot of...."ideas."

  15. Harley May, I say YOU AND ME reenact that cover. Meet me at Clearwater Beach!

  16. I just sent you my best, unskilled effort. BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO. Jesus, I need help.
