Friday, June 10, 2011

Money for nothin' and your books for free

So I'm probably supposed to be encouraging you all to go out and pre-order Making Waves with actual money.

OK, fine. You can do that on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Powells or Borders or IndieBound or probably some dark alley out of the trunk of an El Camino.

Now that I've got my fake sales pitch out of the way, how about I just recap where you might be able to get it for free?

Today is supposedly the last day to send me an entry in my contest where you create a photo reenactment of my cover to win an advance reading copy (ARC) of the book. Details are here and because I'm feeling generous, I'll go ahead and extend the deadline through 10 p.m. PST on Saturday, June 11.

Author Trisha Leigh is also giving away an ARC in a 150-word writing contest on her blog. Deadline for that is Sunday, so hop on over there and give it a shot.

Last but not least, Sydnee Thompson is also doing a blog giveaway for an ARC of Making Waves. You have until June 25 to enter her contest, but you might as well jump on it now before you forget.

So there you are. Three possible ways to get a free copy of Making Waves before it hits shelves August 1.

Ever notice how free food usually tastes better? I can't promise the same with this book (and I really don't recommend consuming paper products) but free is always a good price, right?


  1. free is always better, but i've already pre-ordered in my case, NOW is best :)

  2. You didn't tell me I have to do math! Ok. I jumped on it and i am entered. *fingers crossed.*

  3. Like Karla, I've pre-ordered. In fact, I pre-ordered the first day I knew I could. :D

  4. Man, I just haven't been able to wrestle TG into a boat yet. Good thing I already have my copy pre-ordered.

  5. Yup, I also pre-ordered. Some of us were just too impatient to wait! Except that we have to wait ....

  6. I'm pretty sure El Caminos don't have trunks? :)

  7. I'm single and can't think of anyone who would climb in a boat with me, so I took the tougher route and entered over at Trisha Leigh's blog. The good thing is, I ended up writing something I can use in my next MS. So I've already won something!

    As an aspiring RomCom writer, I'm so excited to see all these contemps coming out and doing so well. Thanks for your hard work and helping get the ball rolling back in the contemp direction. (I hope!)

  8. BTW - I'm lining up guest for our group blog for next month and just realized you'd be perfect. We're a bunch of dirty-minded pirates. :)

    Check us out at and let me know if you're interested.

  9. Woot! Thanks for the mention! Your book was so awesome I wish I had a dozen to give away.

  10. I am exhausted and have a headache. Plus, my kids are resistant to letting me do anything creative without their "input", which could get creepy fast. Thus, I've got to go over your head. As Pope of the SCNa, I demand you put me in the drawing anyway. Plus, if I get an ARC, I will review it on my blog. Then you can brag the Pope liked your book. How many authors can say that?
