Thursday, August 11, 2011

And furthermore...

I promise I'll be back to normal blogging tomorrow (or just as soon as I scoop my melted brain out of the keyboard and find a way to return it to its rightful place between my ears).

But just to follow up on yesterday's post on my Virtual Book Tour, I took my fabulous agent's suggestion and added dates to the little column over on the right. Pretty, no? Now you can check out what's new, what you already saw, and what you didn't really care to see.

There are new new blog posts on the list today – one over at the Sourcebooks Casablanca blog where we're having my official launch party, and the other at the Love, Romance, Passion blog where I'm discussing the modern pirate hero. Both blogs are giving away copies of Making Waves, so it's worth a visit just for that.

We'll be back to our regularly scheduled broadcast soon, I swear. Thanks for your patience!


  1. Thanks for sharing links - it's fun to attend your virtual blog tour. I've recommended your book to many of my friends and family!

  2. I love that you describe your blogging as normal.
