Friday, September 2, 2011

Who's saying what?

I keep getting scolded for forgetting to share good news with you guys.

The thing is, I forget who I've gushed to about certain things, and I also kinda hate bragging.

But I'll admit I've been over-the-moon thrilled with some of the reviews Making Waves has gotten lately. Especially this one in the Chicago Tribune.

I had to go back and look at that at least six times to see if that was really my name on the same list as Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Mary Kay Andrews and Cherry freakin' Adair. If it's just an elaborate practical joke, I don't want anyone to clue me in.

The Sourcebooks publicist has been an absolute godsend when it comes to assembling the reviews into one tidy place and giving me lists of all the best snippets. To avoid another scolding, I'm going to share the list with you here:

Praise for Making Waves by Tawna Fenske, a 2011 Writers Digest Notable Debut
August 2011, ISBN 9781402257216

Fenske's wildly inventive plot and wonderfully quirky characters provide the perfect literary antidote to any romance reader's summer reading doldrums. –The Chicago Tribune

A zany caper... Fenske’s off-the-wall plotting is reminiscent of a tame Carl Hiaasen on Cupid juice. -Booklist

[An] uproarious romantic caper… Great fun from an inventive new writer; highly recommended. -STARRED review, Library Journal

This delightfully witty debut will have readers laughing out loud... 4 1/2 Stars and Top Pick of the Month -RT Book Reviews

This book was the equivalent of eating whipped cream … sure it was light and airy, but it is also surprisingly rich. -Smart Bitches Trashy Books

I really had fun reading this quirky romance... an awesome debut novel. A Night Owl Reviewer Top Pick -Night Owl Reviews

Fresh and sassy...

Hilariously funny... wacky and quirky. -Sugarbeat’s Books

Entertaining and hilarious with quirky and very likable characters. A solid debut. -Under the Boardwalk

Utterly sensational and entirely unique. -Romance Fiction on

Pure wacky fun... -Cheeky Reads

A light, enjoyable read. -All About Romance

A laugh a minute adventure that is perfect for a reading escape... -SOS Aloha

This story hits the spot for laugh out loud, fun reading! -Reviews by Martha’s Bookshelf

Quirky, sexy and funny... -A Good Addiction

A funny, sexy, screwball romance that is reminiscent of early Jennifer Crusie. –The Romance Reader

Pure romantic and comic entertainment. –Romance Novel News

Hilarious and a little bit dirty. –Devourer of Books

I’ll be snatching up the next Tawna Fenske book the instant it hits the shelves. – Everybody Needs a Little Romance

Did anyone else get teary-eyed reading that, or is it just me?

Just me. Right.

At any rate, I sure would love your help seeing if we can make book sales match the reviews. Did you see the contest in yesterday's blog post? I'm giving away three signed copies of Making Waves to people who gush to friends or strangers about the book. Every little bit counts!

And thanks for joining me on this wild and crazy ride.


  1. Oh, WOW! Tawna, this is freakin' awesome!! I can't tell you how thrilled I am to see all those reviewers agreeing with my assessment of MAKING WAVES. Can I call it or what? *grin*

    I especially love the Smart Bitches Trashy Books review. Mmmm...whipped cream.

    Hope you're taking the time to bask a little now. You so deserve it. :)

  2. Great reviews are always warm fuzzies!

  3. Yay! That's super awesome. Congrats. Enjoy the journey!

  4. Sounds like Making Waves is "making waves". The hard work's payind dividends now, huh?

  5. You know how some writers joke about wallpapering their bathroom with rejections? There needs to be a lamp or shade or SOMETHING decorated with all these positive remarks to be a permanent fixture in your house…. just sayin'. :)

    Congratulations!! Well deserved. It's a great, fun read! You know when you're reading a book and sometimes have all this fluff where your eyes glaze over, skipping sentences and sometimes complete paragraphs before getting back into the meat of the story? Your book didn't have that glazed-over moment! It was good and tight! (Yeah, don't go there). ~ Lynnanne

  6. Congrats, Tawna. You deserve each of those reviews, and more.

    I read your book (on my kindle) last week while vacationing in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Absolutely the best book I've read in a long time. And yes, I laughed out loud MANY times. In front of complete strangers while lounging on the beach. I'm pretty sure my husband thought I was nuts.

  7. No need to pinch yourself, hon. It's really happening, and you earned the accolades. Congratulations.

  8. *wild applause!*

    Sooooo excited for you! Seems as if everyone is confirming what we already knew. It's a great book! You have every right to be proud, brag away!

  9. Hey there, just bought Making Waves the kindle e-book and read it in three hours! Totally made me laugh out loud the whole way through- I loved it. Epic characters, witty dialogue and totally insane plot! Hilarious X ten. Move over Janet Evanovich! I will definitely buy your next books as soon as they are out.
    Jill B.
    Nova Scotia, Canada
