Monday, November 28, 2011

Even moving day is filthy if you listen closely

I spent the weekend helping a friend move, a process that’s approximately as enjoyable as sliding down a razor blade banister into a barrel of grapefruit juice.

On the bright side, there was no shortage of amusing innuendo. For example…

Disassembling furniture

  • We need to find a good place for all the screws
  • It should be loose enough now you can just use your fingers


  • Will this fit in that box?
  • That’s way too big to shove in there

Lugging furniture up and down stairs

  • Do you want to be on top or bottom?
  • Hold on, I need to get a better grip so I can slide it
  • Let’s switch so you're not behind me

Loading the moving truck

  • We need to put the smaller things in before we cram in all that big stuff
  • Push harder and you should be able to get it in
  • Why don’t I stick that in my trunk instead?

So that pretty much covers the excitement of my weekend. How was yours?


  1. Not as interesting as yours, obviously! Love the inuendo - made me smile...

  2. We went to a holiday festival with a ballroom full of sponsored, themed Christmas trees.

    One tree was made of strings of lights and crystals, with a beautiful, flat, stained-glass base to place presents on. It was also extremely tall.

    I heard a woman say to the man next to her, "No, that would be way too hard for me--I'd have to be on top." he startedt o laugh and she punched him in the arm and said, loudly, "I mean, on top of the ladder!! To fix the star!"

  3. Bahahahaha. I love how you can find humor in everything! That just makes me laugh. I had a great weekend. Lots of food, family, and fun! :)

  4. Oh crap, we're getting ready to move and I'm going to have this in my head the whole time now. How am I going to keep from giggling inappropriately with my mother in law in the room?

  5. "Holy sh*t, I've never been blown like that before!"

    149 km/hr (93 mph) wind gusts, glass getting sucked out of highrises. They closed downtown Calgary because of the flying glass.

    Yep, just another weekend in Chinook Country.

  6. This morning needed a laugh, and this definitely helped. :) There's innuendo everywhere!

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