Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tell me what you want & I'll do it (er, mostly)

I try hard to be an accommodating person. I'm generally willing to do almost anything if someone asks nicely and there are no laws prohibiting it in that state.

There are a few things blog readers have requested in recent months, and I finally got a chance to take care of them:

  • Gimme an easy way to get signed copies of Making Waves. Done! I've been doing this lame-ass thing where I have readers mail me the book with a postage-paid envelope and I'd sign and send it back. I knew there had to be a better way, and finally discovered it on author Susan Elizabeth Phillips' website. She has her local indie bookstore stock a pile of signed copies of her books, so readers can order directly through them. Brilliant! The wonderful owner of Between the Covers Bookstore here in Bend, Oregon was more than happy to offer the same. Er, for my books, not for Susan's. Even better, she offered me the option of personalizing the inscription for the person ordering the book. You can start the process right here and add your signing instructions in the comments during checkout.
  • Gimme a way to subscribe to the blog via email! I can't believe this one took me so long, especially since I've had at least fifty people ask for it. You'll now see the field over there in the right hand column just under my author bio. I mentioned it on Twitter and Facebook the other day, and have already had several dozen people tell me they've signed up. Keep me posted on how it works!
  • Gimme a mobile version of the blog! This one was actually a whole lot easier than I expected. If you pull up the blog on your smartphone now, you should have a much easier time reading it. Blog reader Steph Schmidt made the suggestion, and kindly tested it out to ensure it works well.
  • Gimme some gossip! I actually have two pieces I'm absolutely DYING to share with you. One involves some pretty terrific news about Making Waves, and I'll be allowed to dish in about two weeks. The other has to do with the new secret project I've been hinting at for awhile now. I'll be permitted to talk about that sometime in the next couple weeks. For now, I have to sit here squealing quietly with excitement as I bite my tongue. Not an uncommon way to spend the evening.
So I think that's it for fulfilled requests. Got anything else you want me to do? Juggle flaming kiwi fruit? Dance naked on my editor's desk with a rubber glove on my head pretending to be a giant squid? Done and done.


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