Friday, December 30, 2011

A sale on beginnings, a post for the end

Things are awfully quiet in the blogosphere this week, so I'm feeling very little pressure to be smart or amusing.

Wait – am I ever smart or amusing?

I should probably write an inspirational post about New Year's resolutions I'm making, but so far the only one I've come up with is clean the Tupperware cupboard.

Not very inspiring.

OK, how about this – I want to commit to reading more. I've always been a voracious reader, sometimes plowing through five or six books a week. But the whirlwind of going through divorce and promoting a debut novel and selling my house and falling in love again seemed to gobble up all my free time.

This year, I'll do better.

Here's one thing that's going to help: My fabulous publisher, Sourcebooks, is running a special promotion offering dozens of authors' first books for just $1.99 in eBook format. You can read on your Sony Reader, Nook, Kobo, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Kindle, or even your home computer. The promotion is called It All Started When, and you can browse participating titles at that link.

Making Waves is included in the promotion, as are more than 65 other titles ranging from young adult to non-fiction to romance to literary fiction. The sale runs through January 8, and offers a great chance to try an author's first book at a super low price.

So there you have it. Thanks to all of you for helping make 2011 one the most exhilarating, breathtaking, pee-my-pants crazy times in my life. I'll see you next year!


  1. Happy New Year, Tawna!

    Thanks for all the laughter, opportunities for innuendo, and the insights into the entertainment available in Home Improvement stores.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Cleaning the Tupperware cupboard may not be insprational, but it's a necessity. Especially if, like mine, yours is threatening an avalanche any moment now. I close my eyes and hold my breath when I open mine.

    Also, Happy New Year! I hope 2012 beings you a millionty (it's a real word; I said so) sales!

  3. Cleaning the Tupperware cupboard may not be insprational, but it's a necessity. Especially if, like mine, yours is threatening an avalanche any moment now. I close my eyes and hold my breath when I open mine.

    Also, Happy New Year! I hope 2012 beings you a millionty (it's a real word; I said so) sales!

  4. There are so many great books coming out in 2012 so reading more should be a bit easier. Here's to a great 2012 filled with reading, laughter, great sex, and awesome book sales! *raises a pint in your direction*

  5. Happy New Year to you too! Oh, and happy cupboard cleaning...

  6. One of my new year's goals is to save more. Then you go and tell me about this. Clearly, I already have MAKING WAVES, but I'm off to see what other authors will send me to the poorhouse.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Kindle has them for $1.79! Dear me!
