Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Guess where I am?

With the official release of Believe it or Not less than a month away, I'm gearing up for another "virtual book tour."

That means I'll once again be spreading my blog seed far and wide on sites other than this one.

I learned some valuable lessons on the last round. For one, it's not physically possible for me to write more than seven blog posts in a day. For another, I can drink a whole lot more Chianti than you might imagine.

This time around, I'll be smarter about using my own blog to direct readers to posts I've written elsewhere. For instance, I just wrote a post at Romancing the Genres talking about where love scenes come from. You can read it here.

I promise it'll be a whole lot more entertaining than reading another paragraph of excuses for why I didn't write a creative post here today.

Visit me over there, say hello, and learn all about what my gentleman friend did to make me squirm beneath the covers.


  1. I couldn't read past when you said spreading your seed.

  2. Where do love scenes come from?

    A chocolate cow?

    In a chocolate field?

    On a chocolate farm?

    Near a chocolate stream?

