Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not safe for work....but you totally want to watch this!

For a few weeks now, I've been gushing about Coliloquy, the publisher that just released my quirky romantic caper, Getting Dumped, as one of their first "interactive fiction" titles.

When my agent first called me about getting involved with something so new and unique and...um, well, different, I'll admit it – I didn't totally understand. Choose-your-own-adventure? For grownups? On Kindle? Well, OK...maybe.

It wasn't until I had a chance to talk with Coliloquy co-founder Lisa Rutherford that I totally got it.

And holy cow, you'd better believe I signed that contract within hours.

Since I'm guessing some of you might still be hazy on the concept, I wanted to share a video of the amazing Lisa Rutherford speaking at a conference and offering a demo of how different types of interactive fiction can work. It's an awesome overview not only of the interactive fiction concept, but of why Coliloquy is so incredible I just had to get involved.

I'll warn you there might be a tiny smidge of risque language right near the end, so consider this not safe for work.

But you should definitely check it out when you aren't surrounded by co-workers or toddlers or monkeys easily offended by slang terms for female genitalia. I promise it'll get you as jazzed about interactive fiction as everyone else seems to be.

Here's the link (with a little intro text to set things up, just so you know you won't go straight to the video).

Whaddya think? Exciting, huh?

And admit it....are you as delighted as I am by the idea of customized erotica? I think I need to lie down now.


  1. Dang it, I'm AT work. I'll have to come back later.

  2. Well, I couldn't have read that last one out loud! Wow! :) Cool video about a cool new publishing model. I just wish I had a Kindle (nope, not buying one any time soon) or that they published on the Nook or on Kindle apps because I'd really like to read your book and some of the others. Looks like fun.

    Is it fun to write? Have you gotten much on the way of stats yet --- is it real time data aggregation or do you get it in chunks at specific time periods? I'm vastly interested in that whole part of the model.

  3. Whoa. What's wrong with blogger today? I can't be the only person who read this?

    Anyway, that was pretty hot, but what's really cool is the potential of the technology. I mean it might be slightly harder for the writer, having to write more versions of the same story, but anything that engages readers more is good, I think.

    Now they just need to build vibration into e-readers.

  4. The most surprising thing to me was that she referred to GETTING DUMPED as a "Young Adult Romance." The characters man not have one foot in the grave, but they aren't teens. Was that just a mix-up on her part?
