Thursday, March 29, 2012

I could have posted this from jail

The problem with prepping for your day in a darkened bathroom is that you end up brushing your teeth with zit cream.

I really wish I was joking.

I normally write blog posts the night before and set them to go live the next morning so I'm not scrambling to do it when I wake up. The fact that I failed to do so last night can be attributed to an evening spent getting a tattoo and bailing a friend out of jail.

I really wish I was joking about one of those things, and fortunately, it isn't the tattoo. I'm thinking I should probably join a gang next, so if any of you have recommendations, I'm all ears.

Luckily, I woke this morning to find an awesome message from the Sourcebooks publicist. It gives me the perfect excuse for a blog post, so I'm sharing it here:
Good Morning Authors!
I’m excited to tell you that you are in the eBook Bracket Challenge Championship Round—congrats! So it’s time to rally your fans for another day and a half—this round ends at NOON on March 30 (we have to end it a little bit early, so we can alert our e-Retailer partners ASAP about the change in price for April 3). As with the last round, the eBook Bracket page will be updated right at 9am, and I have a tweet going out to get things started at 9, too, but please wait until 9:03ish to tweet it out to your readers!
The winner will be announced via Twitter, updated on the eBook Bracket landing page, and on the Sourcebooks Buzz blog at 5pm CST. Good luck to you both!
Thank you very much for all of your tweeting over the last week! I think this has been a lot of fun and a great way to promote your backlist titles.
I'm thrilled to bits, but I can't take credit for any of it. You guys with your #ebookbracket tweeting over the last four days have made it all possible, so THANK YOU!

As you just read, we've got another 36 hours to go, and a good shot at having Making Waves voted in as the title to be priced for 99-cents April 3-9. Those of you who've been kind enough to tweet a time or two, please, pretty please, fire off a couple more using the hashtag #ebookbracket, my twitter handle (@tawnafenke) and a vote for Making Waves. I sure do appreciate it!

And in case this is an incentive to any of you, I pledge to show you my new tattoo on Monday if we win the #ebookbracket challenge. In the meantime, feel free to guess what it is and where it is.

And thanks again for all your support!


  1. Congrats! I've tweeted my vote. :)

    Did you get a tramp stamp? ? Please tell e it's NOT a cheese doodle. *dies laughing*

  2. Let me guess. Your tattoo is on your hand?

  3. Uh, you tell us you got a tattoo and don't post a picture? Party foul! We need to see it!
