Monday, March 5, 2012

It's release week for my second romantic comedy, "Believe it or Not!"

My second romantic comedy, Believe it or Not, hits shelves this week on Tuesday, March 6.

The best thing about having been through this before is that I learned a few lessons the hard way. Chief among them, the promotional obligations surrounding release week are intense enough to make a sane woman leap onto the dining room table wearing lederhosen and fishnets while slapping her forehead with a pancake turner and singing Warrant's "Cherry Pie."

Incidentally, that song (and many other butt-rock tunes) play a significant role in Believe it or Not. Also, now you'll have that song stuck in your head all day long. You're welcome.

My point in all this (because, believe it or not – ha! I just referenced my book title without meaning to! ahem – believe it or not, I do have a point) is that with the last book release, I made the mistake of thinking I could keep up with daily blog posts here as well as on the "virtual book tour" the publicist so kindly arranges for me.

Combine that with blogging duties for the day job and a deadline for the next episode of Getting Dumped, and it's pretty much a recipe for insanity.

So here's the plan – I may or may not blog here this week, and I'm going to forgive myself (and beg you to forgive me as well) if I don't report for duty.

But I will tell you where you can go to not only read brand new blog posts almost every day this week, but to have a shot at winning a copies of Believe it or Not (copies Sourcebooks generously donates as part of this virtual book tour).

So here we go:

On Monday, March 5, I've got a guest blog up at Heroes and Heartbreakers, where I'll be talking about Building characters with career research and sequined g-strings. That awesome site is also running a fabulous feature right now, where they not only give you the chance to win a copy of Believe it or Not, they let you read the first two chapters for free. That runs through March 9, and you'll find it here. 

On Tuesday, March 6, I'll be at Love, Romance, Passion answering interview questions ranging from the funniest thing that's ever happened to me, to how I define love. They're giving away a free book as well, so don't miss that one. 

Also on March 6, I'll be at Flirting with Fiction answering questions ranging from the superpower I'd like to have, to my childhood Hollywood crushes.

On Wednesday, March 7, I'll be at the Sourcebooks Casablanca author blog talking about....crap, have I not written that post yet? Um, well. It'll be something interesting. I hope. Dear God, I really hope. No matter, they're giving away a free book, too. Go win it.

On Thursday, March 8, I'll be at Book Savvy Babe answering questions ranging from what my hippie name should be, to what qualities a good protagonist should have (besides a nice butt, apparently). They'll be giving away a book, too, so there's another chance to win.

On Friday, March 9, I'll be sticking my head in the oven  drinking myself into oblivion  calling in sick to the day job   um, actually, I'm just going to play that by ear.

So there you have it...a nice earworm from Warrant and plenty of chances to win free books. What more could you want?

Thanks, guys, for your patience with me this week. And thanks so much for your support in buying and reading my books! (Like Believe it or Not, on sale this week! Did I mention that?!)


  1. Congrats on your release week, oh great CP of mine! To honor your week-long release, I'm giving away a copy of Believe it or Not on my blog today. Not only because it's a fantastic read, and I'm anxious to share it with my blogging buddies, but also because I think a week-long release deserves special recognition. I mean, day-am. That's impressive. ;)

  2. I preordered my copy from Amazon on Saturday.

    Your work here is done. (Too bad that can't be said for your work everywhere else.)

    Have a great book release day/week/month!

    *hands over bottle*

  3. We'll miss you, but we'll be here when you get back.

  4. Hi Tawna! Just found you on Linda G's blog. Congratulations on release week! Have a rockin week! :-)

  5. I pre-ordered a couple of months ago from Powells Books in Portland and I received my book about a week ago. I suppose they need their hands slapped, but I've been able to read it twice now. :)

  6. Congratulations on your new release!

  7. Can't wait to read it, hun! <3333

  8. Preordered last weekend (or earlier!). I was hoping it would arrive ASAP but it waited until today to get here. Which is probably good, because now I can stay up reading it as late as I want!

