Monday, July 30, 2012

How to dress for your 20-year high school reunion

For the record, I ditched the mask before heading to the event. I will neither confirm nor deny whether I carried the light saber.

Based on the number of former classmates who referenced, "your gentleman friend," a surprising number of old acquaintances either read this blog, follow me on Facebook, or go through my mail.

The highlight of my evening? Stopping at the grocery store en route home from the reunion to buy a bottle of wine to thank my cousins for hosting us. The wine itself wasn't the highlight. The fact that the cashier carded me (yes, carded me) pretty much made my month.

And no, I wasn't wearing the mask.

Today we get the keys to our new place, and begin the arduous process of moving. My gentleman friend and I will be relocating to a home about half-a-mile from this one. The housemates show no signs of vacating the premises, despite the fact that I've sold the house and the new occupants take possession in a matter of days.

It's shaping up to be an exhausting week, but thrilling in a lot of ways that may or may not involve the light saber.

How's your week looking?


  1. I like the idea of the mask. I also like the idea of showing up at any reunion in full costume. :)

  2. You look awesome!!! With or without the mask I'm sure. :)

  3. I was once carded when I was 28 and nearly kissed the kid barely old enough to sell the booze!

    Gah, moving sucks... but the reward at the end, when you can fly naked through the house... well, priceless!

  4. Moving is pretty exhausting, but at least you're not moving too far away. :) (And that mask goes fabulously with the dress. :D)

  5. Hmmmm... my 20th reunion is next summer... Thanks for the wardrobe inspiration. ;)

  6. just wanted to stop by and rub ur butt in a soothing manner as only a friend and complete stranger should do.

    "?...when u run across a sine wave similar to ur own traversing the void in this life... grab a board and form a congo (surf?) line...?"

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The good news is you probably don't have to worry about any other person at the reunion showing up in the same outfit!
