Monday, March 14, 2011

What the @#$% is that? (Hawaiian style)

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our latest round of What the @#$% is that?

For those of you just tuning in, our latest mystery object is something I discovered during my stay on the Hawaiian island of Kauai:
Thanks to everyone who left a comment guessing the identity of the object. You guys had me cracking up all weekend!

I'd like to give a special shout-out to Dana Strotheide's for the following comment:

Charlie Sheen's penis? Looks like something that too much cocaine and hookers would do to a man.

Or a seed-pod of some sort... but I like Sheen's Peen better. :)

There's really no topping that one, so I picked up an extra prize just for Dana.

And let's just pretend for a moment that it is, in fact, Charlie Sheen's penis. Some of you may be delighted to see what I did with it:

For the record, Charlie Sheen's penis wasn't very tasty in an omelet. Also for the record, it wasn't Charlie Sheen's penis, but a Bitter Melon. I used this recipe to prepare it for breakfast one morning. Though I generally enjoy trying new foods when I'm traveling, this was not one of my favorites.

Moving on, I requested special assistance from my mom, my dad, and several members of the animal kingdom here on Kauai to select a contest winner. Here's a short video that shows how the selection process unfolded:

Congratulations to Abby Mumford for winning the second Kauai prize package. Abby and Dana, shoot me an email with your snail mail addresses and I'll get your gifts in the mail right away.

And mahalo (that's Hawaiian for thank you) to all of you for playing!

I'll be back home and back to my regular blogging schedule within a couple days. Thanks for your patience, and for making this blog a million times funnier than I could ever make it on my own. You guys rock!


  1. This is the coolest way to pick a random number that I've EVER SEEN. Now I never want to use a generator again...

  2. I agree with Christine Tyler: this is awesome. And a fun family activity, too!

    I'd also like to thank you for not feeding the bitter melon to Malcolm. Thanks to Dana, that visual would have been . . .wrong.

  3. That may be the coolest video ever. There are a lot of interesting noises going on in the background, and they even continued when I paused it.

    Congratulations Abby!

  4. LOL! I love your selection method.

    Congrats, Abby! :)

  5. OMG. I WON! thanks malcom! and mom and pop fenske! and tawna, too, of course! and dana too because i voted for her! and, i can't forget to thank the academy. they made this all possible.


  6. LOL, that was AWESOME! Congrats Abby!!! :-)

  7. I LOVE that video! How fun. :) Thanks again Tawna! I'm super excited! Congrats to Abby too!

  8. Love the selection process! Malcolm is such a cutie :).

    Congrats to Abby - with such an acceptance speech she clearly deserved it!

  9. Congrats to Abby. Thanks again Tawna for a fun winner picking video.

  10. Thank goodness! You are beautiful anyway. I was told that I am Hawaiian style penis. Well, what a good and nice etiquette.
