Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami update...and how you can help

It was a sleepless night in our cozy Kauai condo, as someone strategically positioned the tsunami warning siren right outside my bedroom window.

Some of the Hawaiian islands were hit harder than others, but damage appears to be minimal at this point. Since my parents' place was just outside the evacuation zone on the south shore of Kauai, we didn't even have to leave.

The same can't be said for those in Japan, where earthquake and tsunami damage has been truly horrifying.

Want to help? Author Maureen Johnson is doing a wonderful donation drive for Shelterbox (including prize giveaways like signed books).

Huffington Post also has a great article listing some of the organizations involved in tsunami relief.

I'm sending out thoughts and prayers to everyone impacted by this horrific disaster.

In the meantime, my What the @#$% is that? contest is still going strong, so be sure to get your guess in by Saturday. I already bought a special prize for reader Dana Strotheide's hysterical "Sheen Peen" comment, but I'll draw another winner this weekend and will post the results early next week.

You can also stop by and visit The Debutante Ball, where we've been talking about bookstores this week. My post about used bookstores (and my visit to the western-most bookstore in the U.S. while here on Kauai) is up today.

Stay safe, everyone. And please do whatever you can to help those impacted by this tragedy.


  1. It's tragic and terrifying at the same time. My company is owned by a Japanese parent company, and the emails passing through here at work today have been pretty devastating.

    May the Buddha of Compassion hold them in the palm of his hand and relieve them off their suffering.

  2. Spent a scary early morning here as all the beach towns here on the Central Coast were evacuated. But when the waves hit, they'd lost their oomph. Thank goodness. Such a horrible tragedy over there. I just heard from a guy whose neighbors are still trapped in an elevator. Glad you're safe.

  3. So glad that Hawaii and all of the rest of the West Coast are safe, but totally heartbroken for Japan.

    And thanks so much for choosing my comment! :) I was in Kauai last spring and LOVED it, so I'm super excited to get anything from the islands. :) And totally jealous that your parents have a house there!

  4. My prayers are going out to those poor people in Japan too. It's just so... unreal. Unfortunately, I guess it is real.

  5. I thought of you this morning. Glad you are safe.

  6. Prayers coming your way as well as to Japan and its people.
    So sad to see and hear of this tragedy.
    Makes one stop and realize how fragile life really is.


  7. Glad you're safe. Terrible tragedy. Will check out the book stores post.

  8. So glad to hear that you and your family were safe. What a horrific tragedy. Such devastation. My heart and prayers go out to all those involved. Thanks for the links.

  9. Very glad to hear you're safe and that the damage was minimal. The last news report I heard stated the entire island shifted 8 feet to the West. That's an incredible amount for an entire island to move. So many lives say "sad" is just an understatement.

  10. It is an interesting dichotomy that trauma generates the greatest compassion.

    What doesn't kill us makes us delight more in what living provides.
