Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CONTEST: What the @#$% is that? (Hawaiian style)

I'm having a lovely time here in Hawaii, enjoying the sun, sand, and gorgeous tropical weather.

Not to rub it in for those of you knee-deep in the white stuff I vaguely remember as snow.

In the spirit of sharing a little aloha love, I've decided to hold a contest. It's been awhile since we played What the @#$% is that? and if you're new here and want to check out past games, you can go here or here or here.

Of course, readers tend to be less interested in the actual contest than in the winner selection process. You can see some of those here and here and here.

Here's the basic idea of What the @#$% is that?: I share photos of a mystery object and you take a guess what it might be. Guesses can be serious or silly, and you get one entry in the contest whether your answer is "right" or indicative of a need for serious mental health counseling.

The winner this time will receive a special gift pack of fabulous Hawaiian treats. That's a fancy way of making it sound exciting and mysterious instead of that I just haven't decided yet what the prize might be

So here we go...What the @#$% is that?
And here's a close-up so you can fully appreciate the texture and appearance.
So tell me....What the @#$% is that? Leave your guess in the comments between now and Saturday, March 12. I'll pick a winner before I leave Kauai, and will post the results early next week.



  1. Well...looks a lot like the things you can buy at our farmer's market called "dragon beans," so I guess I'll go with that! Googling "weird Hawaiian fruits and vegetables" just seems like cheating.

  2. Not sure, but I think I saw one in the window of an "adult gadget" store once. Of course, I *cough* didn't go in, so I can't be sure.

  3. I think it might be a bitter melon, but my memory may be faulty here. I was just there a month ago and saw so many fruits and vegetables I was not familiar with.
    I am really missing the fresh fruits and warm weather.
    Soak up some sun for me.

  4. Can I just vote for Dana's Sheen's Peen? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. Okay, have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Riff-Raff sheds these off his head once every six months. :)

  6. Looks like bitter melon, a staple of Asian cooking. SOOOO jealous of your trip!

  7. Maybe it's some weird Hawaiian banana? Or a sex toy...

  8. I was going to try to say something clever about fairy sex toys, but I don't think anything's going to beat the Sheen Peen.

    (Beat the Sheen Peen. *snort*)

    It is clear that Dana rocks.

  9. I vote for Dana, too, but I'm gonna guess anyway . . .

    A proto-pineapple?

  10. Looks like a zucchini that is fighting a teenage battle with acne. My chin resembled this texture in 1986 when I was 16. Brings back bad memories.

  11. Okay, the Sheen Peen has got to be the winner, and the coiner of the Sheen Peen term is totally second place...I was going to say Alien Dreadlocks. How lame!

  12. I'm throwing my vote in for Dana's guess of Sheen's Peen mainly because it's taken me 10 minutes to write this because i can't stop laughing.

  13. Aww that poor cucumber got a little sunburned is all. He's peeling off the dead skin because no one would give him any aloe (which reeks fresh).

    Dana's guess is the real gem so far for this contest!

  14. Umm maybe an egg sack of some Pacific Island spider...oh... OR it could be a cocoon of some sort?

  15. On the off chance it isn't the Sheen Peen it might be a teenaged (and hence still green behind the ears ... or everywhere) Cuban cigar living abroad. I mean, if you have to live abroad, Hawaii is a pretty good choise, isn't it?

    Or it's a very shy but huge caterpillar cuddled up in his favourite blanket, taking a nap. I just hope you didn't squish it too much!

  16. I think Beat the Sheen Peen may go viral at this point!

  17. Clearly it's an embryonic stage of the rare Hawaiian banana pickle.

    Looking at it made me gag. But I have morning sickness all day right now. Smelling cottage cheese made me barf earlier. Don't mind me.

  18. PS I can 100% guarantee that is not Charlie Sheen's diseased winky...because our Tawna IS NOT WEARING LATEX GLOVES in the picture. And we all know she would.

    She couldn't resist posing with it, but would never touch something so repulsive.

  19. My first thought was a very thin cucumber wrapped in an insanely-ribbed condom (owie?). But it's probably some exotic veggie I'm unfamiliar with.

  20. Looks like a funky-looking cucumber :P

  21. Looks like bitter gourd that we use in our cooking.

  22. Oh Em Gee, Dana is my new hero! Please just give her the prize!!! But don't give Charlie his Peen back!

  23. OMG, for the first time I actually know what the thing is. We have it in Okinawa, the 'Japanese Caribbean'. They call it Goya here. And the actually make condoms shaped like it. lol.

  24. Sheen Peen wins. It just has to. I was going to say that it looked like the center thingie of one of those huge Hawaiian flowers, but then I read Claire's comment. So, I don't win any yet-to-be-selected goodies. Dana MUST get a prize though.

  25. I'm guessing that's bitter gourd. I don't think I'm ever going to eat it again as it will remind me too much of the Sheen's Peen comment!

  26. My first thought was that you disguised one of your personal gadgets so you could get it on the plane without getting stopped by security.

    But then my partner (who doesn't have a cool name like Pythagorous---but who is equally hot) came in and identified it. His father is a horticulturalist and well, he is a smart man. I'm going with balsam pear.

  27. Nature's own dildo.

  28. Bitter melon! Delicious sliced thin and fried hard, then mixed in with scrambled eggs. One of my favorites - wish I could find them here!

  29. In another time and place, Suz, that would have been a very nice guess, but unfortunately, Dana pretty much ended the competition with the Sheen Peen. Even if it ends up being a Balsam Pear, in my humble opinion.

  30. Oh my friends you are forgetting...the right answer is not the winner!!! Love your selection processes! My guess is going on the safer side...vegie of some sort! lol

  31. I went out yesterday and bought TWO for the usual "specially selected" winner, and one for Dana of the Sheen Peen. That sort of creativity deserves a prize no matter what!

    Thanks for the guesses, guys!

  32. Looks like your sense of shame has finally separated from your body. It's greener than I expected.

  33. Look at the poor, abandoned pickle! It sat in the juice for too long and now no one is going to want it. The sad pickle needs someone to love it (and I mean that in the puppy/child way since it's been established all of us visiting Tawna's blog live in the wrong side of the gutter).

  34. I know it is probably some type of wild cucumber/bitter melon (I read the other comments before posting after all), but what I really want it to be is a unopened flower pod.

    Something that will burst open in a few days time and go from hideous to gorgeous, never to return. Wishful thinking, but there you go.

  35. Oh, Tawna, you're so mean... When your husband gets a funky tropical disease, you're supposed to take him to an urologist, not cut it off! Poor Pythagoras...

    (So, mental health counseling then? Damn it!)

  36. I'll go with some funky variety of a cucumber. Enjoy the sunshine!

  37. "Sheen Peen" that just tickles me.

    It looks like a bitter mellon that they had on one of those cooking contest shows the other day, but I can't remember the name so I'm gonna call it a Bitter Mellon.

    If you don't want to eat it, maybe you could scrub the mud out of the waffle soles of your hiking boots. Maybe that lone boot hanging from the tree back home.

  38. That is the dreadlock of a small green man named Tim.

  39. German Chocolate BettyMarch 11, 2011 at 8:05 AM

    Ah, yes, the famous greenie weenie.

    Or, more precisely, the greenie Sheenie weenie.

    Or better yet, the teeny greenie Sheenie weenie.

    Or...nah, I'll quit now...

    Unless I think of another one...

  40. I know this one!

    Giant leprechaun poo!

  41. Google images confirms the "bitter melon" theory... but in the interest of due diligence a follow up search for "charlie sheen's penis" (hey you never know) seemed only proper.

    First hit:
    (scroll down)

    At this point is unclear if that picture is actually his penis or just a cleverly altered representation. So while unproven either way, Dana's theory remains a possibility.

  42. A cucumber on acid. And not the pickling kind.

    Whatever it is, it's seriously freaking me out.
