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Pythagoras can be a bit absentminded. As in “I can’t find my pants” absentminded. This, combined with the fact the he has a variety of unusual hobbies, habits, and interests, means I frequently find unidentifiable objects lying around the house.
Here’s the latest:

Any ideas what it might be? I’d love to hear your guesses – silly or serious. Leave one in the comments and you’ll be entered to win a lovely array of writer snacks (some of which were featured in yesterday’s blog post). Don't worry -- those of you who earned an extra entry or two with your comments yesterday have already been added, but play today to get another entry.
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Win snacks to fuel an author's mind! |
Good luck! Now tell me, What the @#$% is that?
First thoughts, it looks like a piece from those anatomy models in science class from back in high school.
How often do you find these things but give up on asking Pythagoras what it is?
Clearly, it is the spinal cord of a small mammal.
Wait, you said hobbies and not sure vivisection qualifies as such.
It does resemble the re-usable ice pack included in my husband's race-day cooler, though.
Ah, hell.
The pink in IT matches your blouse! Um..ok it's a cross section of an alien brain. Said alien was unearthed near the Obsidian Flow wearing a t-shirt that when translated said - My parents went to Earth and all I got was this lousy t-shirt?
PS - Flat Bananas ROCK!
It looks like a funky kids caterpiller straw. The pink line is the straw part. That looks funly!
I think it's a banana slug suffering from dermatofibroma. Poor little guy.
First thing that came to mind: Section of large intestine from a doctor's set of building blocks (or whatever the crap they call those things).
Frankly, it terrifies me.
My first thought was a cross-section of a brain model ... Hmm ... I'm going to say it's an abstract paperweight painted at one of those DIY art shops when Pythagoras was in the 5th grade. :p
Let's see...if it's lying around your house it's probably bicycle and/or shop vac related. Maybe it's the hose for a special bicycle-powered shop vac?
That, or a deflated bicycle inner tube, very cagily photographed from the side so as to disguise its circular nature.
It's obviously the crotch of a male stripper elephant trunk thong. Sheesh. Okay, if it isn't that, it's got to be a banana coat (for those cold days when they don't want to leave their skins).
Otherwise, I have no idea, unless it's an ancient creeper from the movie Night of the Creeps. *shudders*
You're latest stool sample for the doc.
I would like that piece of my brain back, thank you very much. I miss it. It was responsible for filtering out the stupid things I want to say, y'know.
Also, it's smaller than I remember it being. I knew I shouldn't have taken it out....
I'm just gonna go with a wild guess and say it's some sort of Lady Gaga-esque hair band.
Looks like it could be part of a drain system for outside, attaches to the down spout. Either that, or well, I can't really say in polite blog company.
PS I read your post yesterday on your snacking habits and almost fell out of my chair when I saw the Sen-Sens. My mother loves those things. They taste like boiled tar but there's no accounting for anyone's taste buds.
Is it the missing pants? No?
Okay, um...a bicycle wheel cover in the popular bleeding brain style.
Is that unicorn poo? I hear it has magical healing properties but left the room to lose my lunch before it could be explained any further.
aldjfwe0934rulkfd. fadjklowuer3. sorry, that was me trying to type while laughing at Candyland's comment.
my best guess? a drinking straw. so all you have to do is lean over and sip, which means both hands are free to type blog posts such as this one.
I think it's the large intestine from an anatomy model. The upper portion that goes under the stomach. Why you have this I do not know...stray pieces of the anatomy around your house? What is it that you write exactly...hmmmm?
It's clearly a pleather jacket for a rather husky (not fat, just big-boned) tapeworm. What? You didn't know that tapeworms can be active members of PETA? Well, now you do!
I am coming up with nothing, but those almonds look, I'll go with an model of the large intestine.
Wow, apparently I'm not alone in my guess. I didn't read other people's guesses until after I had already thrown mine out there.
That is clearly an example of the Giant Copper-Back Grey Worm. Native to the Rainforest, of course (like half the planet) they feed on nuts, roots, and poison dart frogs.
I was going to go with petrified caterpillar, but they didn't exist in the mesazoic era. I'm going to guess it's silly putty put together on a string or wire of some kind.
it does look like a piece from an anatomy model.. but more like from one of those from a doctor's office that is of like your colon or something... lol
I could not figure out what it I called the hubs to take a look and the first thing he said was "it's a sex toy ribbed for her pleasure."
That is our best guess.
Looks like a colon to me. Is this your most disgusting entry yet?
That is the spare tire for a Fisher-Price Monster Pedal Truck. Those little puppies and climb over the little pedal cars and crush 'em. It is a dangerous hobby. Hopefully Pythagoras wears a helmet.
It's either a piece of C3P0's intestine, or a penis warmer (really, I hear copper is a great conductor).
It really does look like the human large intestine, but I really can't see that you'd have that just lying around the house. So I'm going to assume that you are seriously looking at helping out BP with this oil-staunching fabric resembling a gigantic bandage to lay over the surging leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Right? ;)
Large intestine.
Is it some strange dog toy where you hide the snack in it for the dog to find??
This is going to sound weird.
From the game of LIFE: you have these plastic pieces of roads that the cars go across and that's what it looks like to me. Except you're holding it sideways. I just can't figure out which version it'd be from.
Um... is it an intestine cozy? Because that's what it looks like, but I have no idea why you would need to remove your intestines in the first place, especially if it's only a piece.
Okay, it's an intestine cozy. Final answer.
Ooo, I think it's a piece of BRAIN! And those snacks look mighty yummy, by the way! I hope I win! :D
Man, Tawna, I just don't know. I've been racking my poor wee brain all weekend trying to think what it could be. I enlisted the help of Mr. Sierra, who looked closely at the picture until I shooed him away for perhaps staring at your shirt and not the object. (He says he wasn't. But come on. I did UM would have.)
So my guess is going to come down to a detached elephant trunk with a nasty scar down the length, possibly caused by a drug habit picked up during a pass through the notorious Nboro Nboro canyon. That place is SHADY.
This is what vasectemy doctors use to find "that." Tell Pythagoras to return it immediately.
I could not figure out what it was
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