I'm making this game up on the spur of the moment because...um, well, I can.
A few weeks ago, I spotted my book in my local WalMart for the first time. I was so ridiculously, dorkishly excited that I started taking pictures of it.
Then I enhanced my dork quotient by asking a stranger to take a picture of me with the book:

But within three minutes, every single copy of my book had sold. Apparently, acting like an idiot draws attention, and drawing attention to a book tends to make people want to buy it.
Go figure.
I filed the experience in the back of my brain, not quite sure what to do with it.
This is where the game comes in, and here's how it's played:
- Go to your nearest WalMart, Barnes & Noble, or any other local bookstore you know has a copy of Making Waves.
- Do whatever it takes to get a stranger to purchase it.
- Email photographic proof of this transaction to me at tawnafenske at yahoo dot com, along with your snail mail address.
I know this sucks if you live somewhere without a bookstore or a WalMart. If that's the case and you really, really want to play, I'll still consider entries that get into the spirit of the game. Like, um...let's say you send an email to all your friends urging them to buy Making Waves, and you include all the links to purchase it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or Powells Books or IndieBound. And let's say one of your friends replies and says, "hey, I bought it, thanks for the suggestion."
I'll count that.
I'll probably count just about anything that demonstrates an effort to urge strangers or friends to purchase Making Waves. And I'll be eternally grateful if you show proof of success in one form or another.
Deadline for entries is this Sunday, September 4 at 5 p.m. PST. Email me your evidence by then, and you're in the game.
Questions? Leave 'em in the comments.
And thanks, guys. Really. I mean it.
What a fun contest!! It must feel like a dream seeing your book on Walmart shelves!!! :)
Write on!
How about I send you a picture of my daughter reading it on her Kindle? *grin* She's loving it, btw. Thinks you're hilarious.
But don't really enter me -- I already have a few copies of your book, and I expect you to autograph them in person someday soon. :)
I can't *wait* to see the photos on this one!!!
I have forced, um gently encouraged, at least 6 people I can think of to buy your book, including one total stranger. But like Linda, I will wait for you to sign my existing copy in person. Come on blog followers, I expect you to out-do me!!
I'm opting out of the contest, but you know I'm getting the word out!!!!
I'm actually a little nervous no one's going to enter this contest, so I'm counting on you guys to spread the word! Thanks a ton for your support!
One photo of Geoffrey with his pants down at the local bookstore, coming right up.
...what? It's sales. You gotta find a void and fill it. *snerk*
Geoffrey, send me that photo and give me permission to post it on the blog and I'll give you a signed copy of the book without even making you win it in the drawing!
Uhm... how about if I order the book from my local bookstore (which doesn't have it)? I live in Austria, btw.
Tessa, yes! I'd love to see pics of someone ordering Making Waves in Austria! (or even better, urging other people to do the same!) And if for some reason that won't work, you can always try the email plea. Anything that urges people to buy the book works for me!
I just wanted to pop in and say I have my copy :D; I'm reading it :D; enjoying the hell out of it :D All those who haven't gotten their copy, buy, buy, buy :D
Thats hilarious.... I am so in!
This is an awesome contest idea... Unfortunately the lovely Hurricane Irene took out our local bookstore :(
Are you going to post pictures of the winners? I'd love to see them!
what a fun contest, like a game :)
I plan on going to Barnes and Noble or Walmart (or even target?)either tomorrow or Friday. And you can count on me to convince a stranger to buy the book.
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