Those of you who've read Getting Dumped know Blue Cat is a character in the story. Those who've read this blog for awhile know he's my real-life pet, and that his massive size makes him a less-than-ideal guest on my laptop. Not only had he typed an impressive string of letters with his hefty gut, he'd knocked my full cup of water to the floor.
Luckily, the floor is tile and the cup is silicone (if you have pets or children and don't own a cupboard full of Silipints, go buy some now. Seriously).
Suffice it to say, I wasn't keen on having an 18-pound cat decide my laptop is his new favorite nap spot.
Which is why I was doubly unimpressed to return from my lunch break yesterday to discover this:

Not one, but two cats have now decided my workspace makes a delightful hangout. I should point out that Matt the Cat looked up only briefly for this photo op, and then resumed gnawing on the arm of my office chair.
Not to be outdone, Blue Cat had his furry butthole parked squarely on a copy of Believe it or Not, while his "I'm annoyed with you" tail twitches knocked pages of my editor's notes from Getting Dumped episode #2 to the floor.
Helpful little bastards.
But there is a point to all this, which is to tell you about a contest that will allow one lucky winner to snag the following:
- A signed copy of Making Waves
- A signed copy of Believe it or Not
- A dozen handy bookmarks emblazoned with all sorts of fun details about both books.

Splendid idea! Jeanette, send your snail mail address to tawnafenske at yahoo dot com, and I'll send you a signed copy of Believe it or Not for coming up with a good plan for the contest!
As for the rest of you, here are the rules:
Write a caption for the photo featuring Blue Cat and Matt the Cat. Post it in the comments by noon PST on Monday, March 25. On Tuesday, March 26, I'll post my top five favorites.
Then I'll open it up to you guys to vote. You'll be free to lobby for votes via Facebook, Twitter, your own blog, or
I'll tally the votes after that, and will announce the winner. Sound good?
Now go forth and caption! Here's that photo again:

I'm assuming I can't enter as I live in the UK but I thought I'd join in anyway :-)
Blue Cat is saying "Stop making waves Matt the cat, believe it or not, I was here first!".
"Occupy LOLCats!"
We told you, unless you start paying more attention to us, we will take matters into our own hands. Now, how do I hit "send?"
Blue Cat: "Um, Matt... I don't think 'cat o'nine' means what you think it does."
Matt the Cat: "OH."
"Human is back. Look innocent!"
Also, I don't have pets or children but I want those cups. I'm *cough* a bit clumsy.
"The publishing world was rocked by scandal today when it was revealed that the works of best-selling author Tawna Fenske were, in fact, written by her feline master, Blue Cat."
Don't pet me, I'm writing, indeed! Now, how do I find Perez Hilton's email address?
Blue Cat Is Saying: "Fine. If you won't give me the computer, I'll just sit RIGHT here!"
"Unless you have snacks and belly rubs, we won't hear or respond to you."
It's not a "caption" per se, but I imagine these two to be a lot like the Bobcats: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/bobcats_monday
Operation Non-Hostile Fuzz Takeover: Complete
Matt the Cat: "What are we gonna do tonight, Blue?"
Blue: "The same thing we do every night, Matt. Try and Take over the world!"
(ok, shameless rip off but it fits :) )
Put 20 lbs of Tuna in an unmarked ice chest. Directions for drop off will be tweeted. Do not call the police. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, as long as you're not MAKING WAVES, you'll see your laptop again.
I love the picture (5 cats here, so I feel your pain. No, really, I feel it). And some of the cat-ions really cracked me up. [Yes, I typed it that way by accident, but I decided I'd invented a new word and left it.]
Blue: "You know, my butthole is so smart, I can type with it."
Matt: "Um, dude--that's not typing. And, um, don't expect me to clean it up."
Blue: I win! I told you I could poop better prose than most romance writers!
Matt: Fine but this chair tastes terrible. I want the laptop next time.
Fashion Rule #16: ALWAYS color coordinate your cats with the furniture.
Matt the cat:
Mom, Blue's hogging the belly warmer again!
Blue: Quit your whining. I got here first.
*Breaking News* This just in, USA Today revealed the true identity of the writers behind the books Making Waves and Believe it or Not.
I can't catulate with you on MY keyboard.
You want to write? Rub our bellies for an yet-to-be-determined amount of time first. And then we'll consider your request.
My caption would be "What are we going to tweet about today?"
If you are a cat lover, you will love the picture. I have a co-worker that loves cat. Will have to send her a copy.
Prose are fine but every pose a work of art.
Blue Cat: Who is your favorite James Bond character?
Matt the Cat: Pussy Galore!
Mom, we've talked it over and we think you need a break. Step away from the desk, go open a bottle of wine, and let us take care of things for awhile. By the way, we will be picking the caption contest winner.
"We're comfy here. You got a problem with that?"
I'm too distracted by the cuteness to think of something clever...
"If by writing you mean petting, then yes, you can work now."
Unhappy with the writing-to-petting ratio while their mother edits Getting Dumped, Blue Cat and Matt the Cat launch Step One in formally marking their protest: a Lay-In. Step Two includes The Chewing of Cords and Step Three – Choir Practice.
"She's writing about us again."
"Don't worry, I pooped in her shoes."
Not to be outdone by their Caretakers, Blue and Matt the cat have announced a new line of romance books centered around the feline set. Their first release will be entitled "Cat Scratch Fever."
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