When I asked you guys to itemize the differences between the earlier draft of my cover for Believe it or Not and the final version, I had no idea what sort of response I'd get.
I'm a little stunned.
Many of you caught stuff even I hadn't noticed, and wish I had an ARC to give each of you. You're startlingly observant, and I'll admit it makes me a bit self-conscious. Can you tell my underwear isn't precisely the same shade of red as my bra?
Alas, there can only be one winner. After conducting a scientific tabulation process that involved whining to my gentleman friend, "I hate numbers, can you help count?" that winner has been chosen.
Congratulations to Sprouting Acorn for a list so impressively long, it made other lists shift uncomfortably in their seats and google "enlargement products," after which they had to clear the cache on their computers and insist to the other lists that it's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean.
Where was I?
Right. Sprouting Acorn and the amazing list. First, here's a refresher on the two different covers:

And now, here's the winning list:
The Sprouting Acorn wrote...
Okee dokee! I believe I've come up with 57 different things..... hell, I keep adding things. I give up. You'll want to count anyway. lol
- Title font changed.
- Title size changed to larger in final.
- Title in caps (draft), lowercase (final)
- No golden scroll below title in draft.
- The "N" in "Not" touches the "I" in "IT" (earlier)
- "Not" doesn't change in either version, except for being moved down a bit out of the top line.
Praise changed:
- Draft: 5 lines; Final: 6 lines
- Nominations mentioned in final
- RT choice mentioned in final
- Solo author mentioned in draft
- Type is set lower (final)
Description blurb: ("The last thing she needs...")
- Different line breaks
- Bold in earlier draft; not bold in final
Author's byline:
- Author name in pink (earlier)
- Author name bold (earlier)
- Author name different font (earlier)
- Author line higher (earlier)
- Author line not on male model jeans (earlier)
- Author name color matches male's hair color (final)
- Author name color matches scroll under title (final)
- Color saturation (earlier)
- Models look tan (earlier)
- Sunshine glare, top left corner (earlier)
- Blue skies (earlier)
- More island/land/trees/mountain? seen beyond the pier (earlier)
- No pier post below pier (earlier)
- Only one post/hand rail on pier (earlier)
- Two handrail posts on pier (final)
- One post below pier (final)
- No water under pier (earlier)
- Water under pier (final)
- More water glare above pier (next to hands) (earlier)
- Grass seen between arm/leg of female (final)
- Models appear closer in earlier
- Bottom of cover is blurred w/color of pier (earlier)
- Different color pier
- Less pier board detail (earlier)
- Less amount of pier boardwalk (earlier)
- Body tones of models go with the color of author's name color. Pinkish (earlier) yellowish (final)
- Hair detail/ texture lost (earlier)
- Nose outline lost (earlier)
- More texture/detail (final)
- Sun glare down to almost her forehead (final)
- No jeans on male (earlier)
- Face looks sunburned (final)
- Face/cheek has sun glare (earlier)
- "Happy trail" faint (earlier)
- Chest hair faint (earlier)
- Facial hair faint (earlier)
- 2 left hands of male (earlier) One looks as if it's holding her right hand, his other looks as if he's also holding the photo.
- Arm rests upon her leg (earlier); no arm resting on her leg (final)
- Does he HAVE a left arm? lol
- There's a dark line (possibly left from jeans that shows in earlier.
- Don't see as much of his hair curl on his left side (earlier)
Congratulations to Sprouting Acorn! Shoot me an email at tawnafenske at yahoo dot com with your snail mail address and I'll send out your ARC of Believe it or Not.
And thanks so much to all of you who participated!
Oh, and thanks to the more than dozen readers who emailed yesterday to alert me that my Wednesday blog failed to post, or to inquire if I had dropped dead following an all-night orgy involving Daniel Craig, George Clooney, and Lyle Lovett.
In reality, I just decided to give myself a day off and let the contest post stay on top for the full two days it was open.
But if it makes you feel better to believe the orgy thing, please do.
I know it makes me feel better.
Congratulations!! That was impressive!!!
(Also. DOES he have a left arm??)
Just wanted to say Congrats Sprouting Acorn for the contest winnings.
Also want to say congrats to you Tawna and can't wait to get your new book. I know its going to be as page turning as the last.
Wow!!!! that really IS observant. Awesome.
What a fun cover. :)
Woohoo!! Thanks guys. Can't wait to read it!!
About that left arm: I guess so long as he has all his other body parts, life's good. Right? ;)
Tawna, You don't need to post this, but I sent my addy via facebook. thanks!!
Wow. Sprouting Acorn really killed it.
Revised entry:
Cover one = awesome
Cover two = awesomer
Just had to add to the "motion of the ocean".. did you know it goes on?
It's not the size of the boat, nor the motion of the ocean, it's how long the captain can keep it in port.
Thought I'd share.
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